milito3515: I'll considerer if I'll make the giveaway or not.
Just drop the idea. For now we all assume you mean good and it's a misunderstanding. If you go on with this, you can have this topic locked by the Blues and\or your rep will suffer even more.
Here's how you make giveaways:
1. The way I like to do it:
Buy a gift code for a game you like and want to share with this fine community. Make a fun contest (ask people to post something - I once asked people to post something creepy - or draw something or solve a riddle or write something anything <I used to make mini-adventure games... but triock always cracked them in minutes>). Pick the winner in a way you find suitable (quality of their work, random draw, 'first come, first served' for riddle giveaways).
2. Another good way:
Buy a gift code for a game you like and want to share with this fine community. Post a giveaway topic and let people enter. Make a random draw to pick the winner.
3. Some people have their keys from bundles. Some bundles and their fans don't like people spliting the bundles. Just to be safe, check terms of service of the bundle you want to give the keys away. Or check with amok, he seems to know everything about it :)
4. If you're not an authorized publisher \ retailer for the game you want to give away, for God's sake, DON'T send people links to your hosting account where you put the installer and NEVER, EVER share copies of your own games! If the service you get the game from doesn't have any way of making gifts, DON'T give away games purchased there. If there is a gifting mechanism - use it and nothing else.
tl;dr - the best way is buy the keys.