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high rated
Thought I'd clear out some of my Humble Store gift links that I no longer need... so why not start the new year off with a giveaway!

What I have to giveaway are -

Titan Attacks
Revenge of the Titans
Little Inferno
AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! for the Awesome
Gemini Rue
Penny Arcade's On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3
Solar 2

THE FOLLOWING YOU TAKE YOUR CHANCES ON - I'M NOT CERTAIN OF THE STATUS OF THESE GIFT LINKS - pretty sure MOST of them are good... but hey... covering my ass here

The Bard's Tale
Magicka + 2 DLC
Orcs Must Die 2 - Complete Pack
Serious Sam 3: BFE
Garry's Mod
Orcs Must Die GOTY
Sanctum Collection
Cities in Motion 2

To enter

* You must have a minimum of 50 rep
*You can enter for a maximum of 3 games
*All games will be distributed according to random draw
*I can't gurauntee that some of the links haven't been used - Humble really need to show whether a gift link has been sent to someone to use or not - and whether or not it HAS been used (or note to self not to convert to a gift link until I want to give it away... probably the best idea... ;\)
* I'll let this run a couple of days into the new year

What New Year's resolutions will you be making for 2014 - and how long to you expect to last before breaking them? :P

For me:
1) Find a job
2) Get a girl (HAHAHAHA YEAH RIGHT!! ><)
3) Lose weight
Post edited December 30, 2013 by Bigs
Yayyyy! I'll take....wait....I don't qualify for this giveaway, but cool beans either way!
Not in, but great giveaway. Thanks Bigs! +1
I'm in for AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! for the Awesome

My new years resolutions?
1. Quit smoking.
2. Pull myself together, concentrate, and try to get stuff done properly.
3. Try to make stuff work out in a positive manner.
Post edited December 30, 2013 by DrYaboll
In for Revenge of the Titans, thanks for your generosity!

I don't believe in new year resolutions, but I do hope to be more patient with my kids.

And lose weight, of course.
im in for:
-Little Inferno
-AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! for the Awesome
-Orcs Must Die 2 - Complete Pack
my new year resolution get a girl!!!!
thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks, I'm in for AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! for the Awesome

And the purpose of 2014 is find a job, here in Italy is simply a nightmare, I hope 2014 will be a better year then this one :(
I'll take me chance on:
1. Orcs Must Die 2
2. Orcs Must Die
3. Incognita

My New Year's resolutions?
1. Lose weight ( I give it till March...)
2. Cut my backlog ( I guess it'll grow by a few games when Humble Bundle X is out..)

Thank you!
I am in for Garry's Mod, Sanctum Collection, Little Inferno .
My New Years Res:
1. Learn some new programming language's
2. Become a better boyfriend
3. Play less so I can spend more time with my gf
4. Get a car
I'm in for:

Revenge of the Titans
AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! for the Awesome.
Thank you.

Finding a better job in 2014 would be really nice.
I'm in for Cities in Motion 2 and Solar 2.
Thank you!

My new years res:
1. Get back into shape :)
Post edited December 31, 2013 by blotunga
thanks for the giveaway
count me in for serious sam 3 bfe

trying to lose weight this year......
In for

1.Bard's Tale
2.Cities in Motion 2
3.Gemini Rue

New Year Resolution:

a.Quit smoking
b.Lose some weight
c.Get a better paid job

Thanks and =1
Incognita for me.

Stop smoking, hopefully it'll last longer than the last time...

Thanks Bigs, wish you the best and all your wishes fulfilled.
Not in, but thanks for your generosity, Bigs, and good luck with your resolutions! ;)