Rodzaju: So now we have 3 people that haven't claimed.
Assuming that everyone is telling the truth (ALWAYS DANGEROUS), have we found our 3 bad guys?
Vitek: Yeah, you force muttly to claim to have 3 rest players and label them as mafia? I am not exactly sure it works that way.
Also you shouldn't assume that everyone speaks truth in mafia game. ;-)
When exactly we agreed on mass-claim? I remember I was against it and NFY too, IIRC.
I am not the mason so this leaves NFY, right?
Is it the case? Then I would be only one without claim, right?
I am bit wary of people who forced it through (hello Rod)
Personally I'm extremely suspicious of Xyem's claim. Rod's "have we found our 3 bad guys?" thing seems a bit scummy to me as he should know it's never that simple. The only reason I can think of for him to say that is that he's mafia and was hoping to start a wagon.
Vitek: @littlerabbit: So you can use it tonight, right? You said you can't but if you used it on N2, you should be able to do use it tonight.
As I understand it she said she had to rest two nights. Surely this means she has to rest on night 4 as well?