Posted November 02, 2013
DarkoD13: Your response to me has something of the hysterical about it, and I really do think that you've over-reacted to mention of your absence. However, I should answer to your remarks in post 87:
1) Your entire," Making accusations while avoiding confrontation." argument is silly to me. While I did not use the reply system, I alerted your attention to my post in other ways. I used your full screen-name, and put it in bold.
If I wanted to avoid confrontation, would I not speak about you to the rest of the group, instead of addressing you directly as I have done?
2) I perceive no real difference between not posting in five days, and not posting in four days. While there is the obvious gap of twenty-four hours, both show a lack of effort on your part.
3) I do not feel that I've attacked or singled-out anyone. I merely stated my suspicions about two players, and for a legitimate reason. Lurking is generally bad for a mafia game, as it means not all the members of the group are interacting with one another. This is bad because it means we're deprived of reactions, suspicions which may lead to a mafia lynch, or any other such useful information.
Furthermore, I even conceded that your absence may be due to RL reasons, and did not vote for either you or kkreo because I thought this the most likely possibility( I now know that, at least in your case, that's not the truth).
-- -- -- --
Moving on to your newer posts. In particular, I find your comments in post 100 to be interesting.
So, you were not prodded, but did not make the effort to post. Surely, even if the thread was stalled due to DieRuhe's absence, a townie would have tried to keep conversation flowing.
Having mentioned this, I do not quite agree with your assertion that the thread was at a dead-end due to DieRuhe's absence. The thread, to me, seems to have moved along fine, and none of us were really waiting for DieRuhe.
These two odd statements lead me to suspect you even more, enough- in fact- to say Vote: DarkoD13.
Vitek: I called attention to it only because I'm not sure what to make of it. I'm not sure whether I'm dealing with a softclaim or not, and would have liked the groups opinion on it. So far, only Joe has responded.
flubbucket: That seems like a far stretch to me. Surely, if I wanted either of them mod-killed, I would have alerted Telika to there long absence( one which I'm sure he was aware of), as that would be more likely to actually get them out of the way.
1) Your entire," Making accusations while avoiding confrontation." argument is silly to me. While I did not use the reply system, I alerted your attention to my post in other ways. I used your full screen-name, and put it in bold.
If I wanted to avoid confrontation, would I not speak about you to the rest of the group, instead of addressing you directly as I have done?
2) I perceive no real difference between not posting in five days, and not posting in four days. While there is the obvious gap of twenty-four hours, both show a lack of effort on your part.
3) I do not feel that I've attacked or singled-out anyone. I merely stated my suspicions about two players, and for a legitimate reason. Lurking is generally bad for a mafia game, as it means not all the members of the group are interacting with one another. This is bad because it means we're deprived of reactions, suspicions which may lead to a mafia lynch, or any other such useful information.
Furthermore, I even conceded that your absence may be due to RL reasons, and did not vote for either you or kkreo because I thought this the most likely possibility( I now know that, at least in your case, that's not the truth).
-- -- -- --
Moving on to your newer posts. In particular, I find your comments in post 100 to be interesting.
So, you were not prodded, but did not make the effort to post. Surely, even if the thread was stalled due to DieRuhe's absence, a townie would have tried to keep conversation flowing.
Having mentioned this, I do not quite agree with your assertion that the thread was at a dead-end due to DieRuhe's absence. The thread, to me, seems to have moved along fine, and none of us were really waiting for DieRuhe.
These two odd statements lead me to suspect you even more, enough- in fact- to say Vote: DarkoD13.
Vitek: I called attention to it only because I'm not sure what to make of it. I'm not sure whether I'm dealing with a softclaim or not, and would have liked the groups opinion on it. So far, only Joe has responded.
flubbucket: That seems like a far stretch to me. Surely, if I wanted either of them mod-killed, I would have alerted Telika to there long absence( one which I'm sure he was aware of), as that would be more likely to actually get them out of the way.