Posted January 31, 2014

He have stated at least twice that I am not whole untrustworthy and that all liars should be lynched on principle...
But now - if I suddenly claimed a power role, then he would happily vote flub instead - just because pazzer says so? I do not wash.
And of course I have said you are untrustworthy - YOU FREAKING LIED IN A MAFIA GAME! That is damn reason to call you untrustworthy. And the rule that liars should be lynched is pretty much an unwritten rule in mafia. And if you actually read any of the posts you quoted from me, you would notice that I was talking about flubbucket WAY BEFORE PAZZER. -_-
In fact amok, I will now change my answer to Vitek based on your latest two posts of complete bullshit to "No, even if he claimed a powerrole I would still lynch him, because no way in hell is he town - and thus his claim becomes irrelevant".

I have never been not town, so, am not certain what your point is there (but whatever, if I had been scum I would probably been super convincing, so, okay).
My current scum list:
Amok (See above - see his own claim, and then his admittance to lying, then his argument that I am scum for calling him untrustworthy)
Flubbucket (See my earlier case)
nmillar (Good points about me? Mention one that is actually not complete bullshit)
Vitek (Primarily because I keep changing my mind about him, and I usually have some debate with him, no matter if he is town or scum).
Likely Town:
I have a sinking feeling that town is going to lose this because people can't get their shit together and act. It might admittedly be due to scum having a large role in the latest discussions, which can have confused some, or we on a more equal footing with scum than usual or I don't know - people don't give a shit?
Honestly, we have one who is making up bullshit reasons to vote, is cause for no-lynch; what happens: nothing
We have one who lies, calls himself not town, says he is not on the list, who argues for a lynch based upon being called untrustworthy and who have also yet to make any cases. Reaction: He is still freaking alive.
Okay it is very simple as town:
Someone lies = They are not town (town does not lie, they omit - but no lies) - Thus lynch them. Why it haven't happened yet is beyond my understanding? Even if we have one unwilling (or acting) player P1na, we should still have enough to lynch him, heck if he is actually not a scum, just someone who acted with complete disregard for town scum should be willing to lynch him (meaning he would be lynched by now), so we can pretty safely conclude he is not town, and yet he still survives. WHY???
Freaking lynch him and if he turns out to be town, then lynch me and when I turn out to be town, start freaking lynching those people which have been pointed out several fucking times! (Currently counting on Pazzer and Telika for that job should I be lynched/NK). But oh my god, do something other than continually jump around in the same freaking soup.