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Rodzaju: @ Jess:

Not much so far.
Several posts, but most of them not particularly serious.
Only the last post says anything at all, & that's a fairly wishy-washy "I agree with Jess".

Total read: Vocal, but not saying much.
So far in this game, the only people who have said anything of note have been either attacking or defending Rob.
Well, Rob's reveal has been the main event so far, so it's natural that a good deal of the statements would somehow focus on that.

Now there's a thought I hadn't considered, would a Mafia player have wanted to stop the confused ramblings we had for the first 24 hours or so of play?
jesskitten: Also @Orry,
L-4 isn't lynch territory, not when there are only 12 people. It's just barely halfway to a lynch. In fact if he DOES get quicklynched, or approaches it by other bandwagon votes (since he already claimed), we'll likely be able to analyze that wagon for a ton of info too.
Yes, well, I don't have much chance to post today, I was just gone since my last post until now, and I soon have to go AFK again until later, then I'll be gone most of the day tomorrow, until the evening. So yes, I'd far rather my vote put pressure on a random vote than it to put pressure on someone who has already claimed.
Aye there folks, I didn't know the game started.
I'm not voting anyone right now because I don't know anything yet.
From reading the topic I can only say that I don't believe Robbeasy and his claim of being a miller - simply because we can't be sure if someone is one.
Last time I checked the wiki, IIRC it said that millers were not usually told that they were millers. Just food for thought.

I feel like this claim is mere scum-hunting, so I recommend that we hold off lynching him for now.
Typhoon45: Last time I checked the wiki, IIRC it said that millers were not usually told that they were millers. Just food for thought.

I feel like this claim is mere scum-hunting, so I recommend that we hold off lynching him for now.
My parents told me I was a Millar ... oh, wait ...

You're right about the Miller role on the wiki though. This stands out (though it does say 'sometimes'):

"Sometimes an important part of a Miller role is that the player is not told this aspect of their role. Rather the Moderator assigns one person to be the Miller, but only tells him/her that the role is a vanilla townie. Thus, the Miller cannot simply claim their role Day 1 as a prevention against lynching."
Typhoon45: I feel like this claim is mere scum-hunting, so I recommend that we hold off lynching him for now.
I feel obliged to inform you in that case that your random vote on page 1 was for Rob.

I'll remove him from my FoS for now, admittedly in part due to the FoS apparently being for something a little more concrete than I thought it was.
What if Rob says he's a miller so that noone will check him? Then again checking will only prove that he's not lying, if he's guilty.
Typhoon45: Last time I checked the wiki, IIRC it said that millers were not usually told that they were millers. Just food for thought.

I feel like this claim is mere scum-hunting, so I recommend that we hold off lynching him for now.
Note from nmillars quote of the MafiaWiki that it only says 'Sometimes' . Unless you have a quote from somewhere else Typhoon? Otherwise, it looks mightily like you're throwing suspicion by implying its 'usual' for the Miller not to be told. Plus the fact you're not actually going overboard on it - 'just food for thought' - classic Mafia tactic of guiding others thoughts but actually keeping your own hands clean.

Methinks a slip has occurred. I'm gonna give you the chance of replying if you have other quotes to back up your 'usually not told' line, otherwise you've just shot to the top of my scum list.

FoS Typhoon
(after considerable reading)...Hmm...

I've been reading Orryyrro's excuse for his choice of voting again - he states the following:

Orryyrro: I'd far rather my vote put pressure on a random vote than it to put pressure on someone who has already claimed.
So he doesn't care who his vote is for, just as long as he gains information from it... In other words, following my own attempts to think like the Mafia in my prior attempts at logic, Orryyrro could well be searching for our power roles and only using FoS on Rob because he's revealed he's not as important a target...

My logic has already been brought into question, but still - Vote Orryyrro.

I agree with Robb's point against Typhoon.

I tend to accept Robb's claim but there are still some doubts. Yes, he did it in way that was probably best for him and even for town but it could also be WIFOMed that he did just because we would know it's best time to be accepted as miller.

Also there is question of when you/we intend to lynch him. You say he shouldn't be kept alive until LYLO stage but also don't want him lynch soon. When do you intend to lynch him then? In LYLO-1 or similar situation? But then it's wasting of kill.

Preview EDIT: I noticed it was suggested to vig him instead of lynch and then I can imagine this going through. Still I am leaving this here, don't want to delete it.

jesskitten: Orryyrro is scum for real this game, because:

- His current vote is an RVS one (on ViolatorX), yet he gives real reasons for suspicion against Robb, in the post just above mine (#60), yet he FoS's him???? FoSing is extremely scummy play except when you have a real vote on someone else already, so you're trying to broadcast your "second scummiest" target; or if the person is close to lynch already but you want some other input from them/someone else. Neither is the case here.

Unprovoked FoS's (see Red_Baron in GM4, since he's dead now) with no proper votes, when you actually list legit reasons for doing so, are fairly strong scumtells because they're basically saying "I suspect you, but I don't want to offend you, so I'll kiiiinda accuse you without reeeeeally accusing you since I know for sure you're town and I'll look bad on your wagon."

- Also, this post is scummy:
Orryyrro: So, anyone have a better insane theory than nmillar?
jesskitten: Because it's calling on others to come up with more scumhunting theories, instead of doing some scumhunting himself. Granted it is likely partly tongue in cheek at the joke theory put forth, but still, I get scummy sense of humour rather than townie sense of humour from it.
These two reasons (And the one with theoires I find really weak) are enough for you to be sure he is scum? Also it looks to me as you are trying to make him obvious target again as it quite worked before. "For real this time?" As, last time he was merely accused by scums but this time it's honest, folks? Right?

I would write a bit more but writing on the black keyboard with lights off kinda sucks. :-)
Typhoon45: Last time I checked the wiki, IIRC it said that millers were not usually told that they were millers. Just food for thought.

I feel like this claim is mere scum-hunting, so I recommend that we hold off lynching him for now.
Robbeasy: Note from nmillars quote of the MafiaWiki that it only says 'Sometimes' . Unless you have a quote from somewhere else Typhoon? Otherwise, it looks mightily like you're throwing suspicion by implying its 'usual' for the Miller not to be told. Plus the fact you're not actually going overboard on it - 'just food for thought' - classic Mafia tactic of guiding others thoughts but actually keeping your own hands clean.

Methinks a slip has occurred. I'm gonna give you the chance of replying if you have other quotes to back up your 'usually not told' line, otherwise you've just shot to the top of my scum list.

FoS Typhoon
I don't get how this is a slip even though I mostly agree - a slip usually means he shows he knows more information than a townie, kept in the dark, usually would. How would that remotely relate to knowing whether a miller was told early on or not?

I do agree that Typhoon there is doing the wishy washy thing though. The thing I'd like to point out is that he thinks you're scumhunting by claiming miller, and watching the reactions, But then if that is true why would be say it outright, and thus destroy your scumhunting efforts?

Preview edit @ Vitek: No, of course he's not necessarily scum, but he could be, and I was looking for his reactions from the pressure after building what bit of a case there was, and so far I'm not sold that he's town.

Gog Mafia games so far seem to be developing this site meta of Townies gently pointing out something awry, and then kinda hinting that "Maybe you are scum, but I'll keep an eye on you" or "And that concludes my strong case! Oh, here's an FoS instead of a vote" or "I want to hear everyone else including the inactives and the dead comment on that before I lay down my vote even though he's only L-3". Or even better, "I suspect you fairly strongly but ehhh.. you say no, so maybe you're 3rd party instead of mafia." (Fabricated quotes, but the general style of play I see around, townies don't seem to want to put their vote where their thoughts are)

That kind of wishy-washiness is normally a scumtell but when townies do that too, it lets the scum hide among us easier. So I try to play against that I guess. :P

But yeah, there really is no perfect time to lynch Rob.
Whups, did not realize that my random vote was on you mate

Unvote Robbeasy

I'm just pointing it out because in the first (err.. second) mafia game, Zchinque made a ridiculous statement at the start of the game that was capitalized on, and drove the conversation for a ridiculous amount of time on a false premise. Then, in Mafia #3, Damnation claimed and sealed his doom (which was mostly his fault, though, as he claimed Mafia).

The problem that I have with this kind of scum-hunting is that it has done very little in the past few games that it has been used in. Guys, can we stop beating the dead horse? It isn't working, and has only hurt us townies in the past few games.

Plus, we have to lynch Robb no matter what now. Just to be safe. Face it, man. You aren't going to make it to the endgame, and have likely made it so some newbie investigator is going to investigate you just to double check (hopefully not). But not today. This is a waste of time just focusing on him.
QuadrAlien: So he doesn't care who his vote is for, just as long as he gains information from it... In other words, following my own attempts to think like the Mafia in my prior attempts at logic, Orryyrro could well be searching for our power roles and only using FoS on Rob because he's revealed he's not as important a target...
Information is far more helpful to the town than the mafia in general, the mafia starts with information, they know who their mafia is; the town doesn't have that luxury, so yes I'd far rather get information about someone who hasn't claimed yet then someone we're probably going to end up killing at some point in the future anyhow on the principle of there being no way to really prove his innocence.
Wow missed a lot of posts

@robbeasy I see your arguement as a double edged sword really, I would class it as a very bold move to come out as a millar at the beginning of the game and can understand your reasoning for it, On the other hand its often a classic mafia move for a goon once they have the guily result turned onto them.

He could have easily bluffed that the cop was insane or paranoid(its neverland afterall) if investigated so he looks less guility that he came out with it so time will tell hes low in my list of suspects.

@Teleroth and (others who have the same theory) If he wanted to get himself killed as he was a jester,bomb etc Im sure he would have done a great job of getting himself killed like popinjay did in game 4

@quadralien,Jess - I actually dismissed orryyrros vote as just a mere rvs but he does look like he is using it as a cover up to snoop at other peoples identities which looks very shady indeed I noticed when he gave his list of suspicions on robb then he would have surely changed the vote if he was that confident. Im currently getting a town reading for both of you so I will unvote quadralien

@fexen im unsure as you havent posted enough but you have jumped right onto robb's case but again is fair enough given the situation but shady without any real reasoning and just the manner and timing in which you jumped in, the delay looked a bit like you were lurking.

@nazarush I'd like your opinion on matters you have been a bit quiet apart from the rvs at the start.

@Vitek I can see the potential in your reasoning that jess may have suspicious tendencies but would probably need to hear more to.

Anyone else really hasnt given me a read and a robb vote in day 1 wouldnt achieve anything and in my head so far I think the scum are fexen and orryyro

Vote orryyro
Typhoon45: Plus, we have to lynch Robb no matter what now. Just to be safe. Face it, man. You aren't going to make it to the endgame, and have likely made it so some newbie investigator is going to investigate you just to double check (hopefully not). But not today. This is a waste of time just focusing on him.
Eh, I was actually figuring the other way, like the hypothetical cop role (if one exists, and according to Robb's claim it's hinted strongly that one does) would have one LESS target to investigate because everyone agrees Robb is either a miller or scum, thus he will investigate guilty either way.

I can see where you're coming from, though.