Posted May 22, 2014
Silent Hunter 2 and Call to Power are great. Gabe Knight 2 is supposedly a classic, so is Descent 3 (though not on my owned or even wished list as I personally prefer "open space" sims). And Sanitarium ? What's wrong with Sanitarium, it's a top notch adventure game !
Are these truly the least sold games on GOG, or is there something wrong with my page ?
12) The shivah !?
11) Eschalon book 3 !!? ... For shame, people !
10) Covert Action. REALLY ? I hate you all.
9) Sherlock Holmes and the Silver Hearring (okay it is.. interesting but not the best of the frogwares series)
8) Octodad (hm)
7) Harvey's new eyes
a jump
6) Dark Fall 3 (okay I suppose these are mostly too new ?)
5) Consortium
4) Clarc
3) Journey of a roach
ooh a long jump
2) Risen 2 (why ? Risen 1 was supposedly a gothic return to gothic qality after gothic 3 wasn't it ?)
1) Strike suit zero (harsh, but deserved for reasons that are probably not the ones people ignored it for)
So there.
While we're at it, I also checked the least well rated games. Same problem as before, I first took a screenshot of what the site had presented me as the bottom of the list, but wasn't. But after a couple of reloads :
3) Omerta (okay this stylish tactical TBS is way underrated, guys)
2) Slender (why the hell do i have that ? was probably forced into my library through some package promo...)
1) Gothic 3 (yeah well i'm a Gothic completionist, so there you go)
Post edited May 22, 2014 by Telika