chezybezy: slightly ot but how does the recover process work for steam? basically im thinking of making "the list of what we need to keep to hand" if the worst happens. sort of a keep a hard copy of such and such list.
The best way to recover the account is via the client , there should be a account recovery button
things to keep in handy for a recovery of steam account
1)steam support account which is seperate from the forum and your main account , make sure its created from a secondary email just in case to contact them if recovery is impossible manually
2)account name
3)email id used for creating account
4)secret question , there is also a crappy question that pops up sometimes asking what did the support last reset your pass or something to ? i have no idea how to answer that 5)To prove ownership the best way is to keep a pic of a retail box cd key with your account name written (if support asks) if you dont have any retails and just digital store purchases , they may ask the payment details for the last purchase you made.
6)also have a look at your profile details just in case
7)steam guard , if you have enabled it , you will need your main mail id to check for the number it sends
8) if you have a twitter account you can contact steam there and ask how long will support to take to help , they should ask for your ticket no and help out faster