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Jax332: they literally banned me several times from the forums just because I said some of there pricing is unfair or I found a game cheaper on some other site and posted a link for fellow users to go to. Now WTF is wrong with that, fucking steam, though I wish gog had some games that steam had grrrr
If it was posting a link to Steam game keys from an authorized reseller like amazon or greenman, they'd be in the wrong. If you posted a link to a site like g2play or cdkeystore which are unauthorized/illegal resellers, or to deals of non-Steam versions of the games on sale, that would violate their TOS.
Jax332: anyway steam still has not replied and I don't think they will, which brings me on a another topic is gog support good, will my account get hacked just as likely ? I plan to buy a lot of game
They're slow to handle reports, but if you have the evidence of being hacked and access to the email you should get it back in a while. As long as you keep your email and password safe, you won't lose your GOG account.

How did you get hacked? Click on a 'free steam games' site with the fake login, or use the same email-name/password on some other forum? It's really difficult to lose an account unless you did something to give it to someone (or have a keylogger on your computer). It can't just be magically programmed into someone else's possession.
Jax332: ...Now before I make a purchase I want some one to clear this for me. This sounds ridiculous I mean WTF come one, I heard so many good things from this website but does this show the true power that gog can fuck you up for no reason at all ?
It's their defense about all possible events like users abusing the system or them going bankrupty or whatelse. However it's not really that bad once you consider that you can backup all your games right after purchase. With Steam it is even worse.

I agree that according to EU consumer protection guidelines they should reformulate this section and state more specifically in which cases they can or cannot terminate log in access. But we aren't yet there for worldwide operations. It's unfortunate but not that critical here.
Not the best TOS indeed for a site like this, even if it's common elsewhere. They should add some limitations.
I also fear a bit a possible Mobygames syndrome: site sold in the future, forced bad new changes.

Fingers crossed O_O'
Post edited December 16, 2013 by phaolo
phaolo: Not the best TOS indeed for a site like this, even if it's common elsewhere. They should add some limitations.
I also fear a bit a possible Mobygames syndrome: site sold in the future, forced bad new changes.

Fingers crossed O_O'
I think I remember CDP saying they've been offered money for their service a couple times and they said no.
Post edited December 16, 2013 by JKHSawyer
jamyskis: I think you'll find that many European courts won't be particularly sympathetic to GOG's use of this provision either.
Agreed. I wonder in which countries court this would hold up? Definitely not here. The equivalent of this clause would be "The user can chargeback all his money at anytime without any reason".
Jax332: I don't plan to do anything fishy on this site never have on any site and never will for obvious reasons both ethically and morally . I came over from steam as nijuu said steam TOS is bullshit, my account got hacked, contacted steam 2 weeks ago still no fucking reply , FUCKING STEAM SUPPORT IS SHIT FUCK ME, sorry had to unleash that, now Iv lost over 150+games, item etc valued at more than 700AU Dollars (and fuck australia is so expensive even my bank takes money for just making any online purchase :/, wtf am I tipping them for their service, am I a fucking walking atm machine fuck me )sorry for the cussing I just just am so mad right now, anyway steam still has not replied and I don't think they will, which brings me on a another topic is gog support good, will my account get hacked just as likely ? I plan to buy a lot of game
150 games? - ouch.

This is the prime reason for refusing to buy anything from valve's service. If somethings happen, or you say something wrong, or get cut off from the internet you are in deep trouble. Regarding gog, they're very friendly, and you have to do something very very bad to get banned here. If you against expectations get in trouble, contact gog, and they'll sort it out.

BTW, welcome, i think you'll like it here. - If you haven't got the fallout trilogy already, just pm me for a gift code.
Post edited December 16, 2013 by Solei
Link related: Amazon pulls access to purchased Disney movies to enforce TV exclusivity (you'll be able to watch them in July, though!)
Well, GOG cannot terminate my access to the games I bought.

Because DRM-free, downloaded backups, etc.

So, I can't say I feel too oppressed, there.
Telika: So, I can't say I feel too oppressed, there.
Your passion and gratitude towards the site brought me to tears.


...A week in the box.
Starmaker: Link related: Amazon pulls access to purchased Disney movies to enforce TV exclusivity (you'll be able to watch them in July, though!)
That's a good example why such rules should be formulated much more specific. Then customers (who read the TOS before buying) can decide much better if the service is worth the money or not.
Post edited December 17, 2013 by Trilarion
slightly ot but how does the recover process work for steam? basically im thinking of making "the list of what we need to keep to hand" if the worst happens. sort of a keep a hard copy of such and such list.
chezybezy: slightly ot but how does the recover process work for steam? basically im thinking of making "the list of what we need to keep to hand" if the worst happens. sort of a keep a hard copy of such and such list.
don't know what recover should mean. but your login details (email and password) would be the absolute minimum. payment details would probably help as well.
Here, for recovery, GOG should create a single exportable order\game list per user (maybe per year) to be used as a single receipt.
Collecting all those emails is a bit annoying.
Post edited December 17, 2013 by phaolo
chezybezy: slightly ot but how does the recover process work for steam? basically im thinking of making "the list of what we need to keep to hand" if the worst happens. sort of a keep a hard copy of such and such list.
The best way to recover the account is via the client , there should be a account recovery button
things to keep in handy for a recovery of steam account

1)steam support account which is seperate from the forum and your main account , make sure its created from a secondary email just in case to contact them if recovery is impossible manually

2)account name

3)email id used for creating account

4)secret question , there is also a crappy question that pops up sometimes asking what did the support last reset your pass or something to ? i have no idea how to answer that

5)To prove ownership the best way is to keep a pic of a retail box cd key with your account name written (if support asks) if you dont have any retails and just digital store purchases , they may ask the payment details for the last purchase you made.

6)also have a look at your profile details just in case

7)steam guard , if you have enabled it , you will need your main mail id to check for the number it sends

8) if you have a twitter account you can contact steam there and ask how long will support to take to help , they should ask for your ticket no and help out faster
Post edited December 17, 2013 by liquidsnakehpks