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Firstly, I know WoW is loved/hated, if you don't like it or aren't interested, please don't flame/troll, and /shoo.
I recently started playing again and can't seem to find a proper guild, so I thought maybe a GOG Guild would be a good idea.
Since I'm in EU, this request is only available for EU players, US are welcome to form their own guild.
I don't know which server we should choose, but if you could post your character/server we could make some stats and see where the most GOGers are playing and transfer/reroll on that server, if you are willing to.
My current toons are:
Armereth // 45 Nelf Hunter // Defias Brotherhood
Acadea // 38 Draenei Shaman // Defias Brotherhood
Maladie // 48 Belf Priest // Blade's Edge
Maladie // 15 Human Lock // Saurfang
I've never been able to reach the end-game content, random stuff kept me from playing and I tend to reroll. :)
I'm willing to start a toon on any server, be it PvP/PvE/RP/RPPVP.
edit - worth mentioning, Saurfang is a pretty new server and would be a good place to start.
Post edited February 20, 2009 by greedz
I like WoW. I want to get into it one day... in the future. But EU servers? Bleh.
michaelleung: I like WoW. I want to get into it one day... in the future. But EU servers? Bleh.

Seeing as we can't chose our servers we're stuck with EU. Trust me, I'd love to play on the US servers (got lots of friends over the pond).
To be on topic:
Mylostshadow // 21 Night Elf Hunter // Saurfang
FOR THE HORDE!!!!!!! ;)
I just started playing again since I got the whole game cheap at Circuit City. Im on Mannoroth Mebius/ud/lock.
Maybe you should give EVE Online a try. Don't have to worry about which server to start your character in and can play with all your friends from around the world at once. It's great fun. :)
I stopped playing WoW for more than a year now, but sometimes i still feel the monkey climbing on my shoulder :-P
Unfortunately i have absolutely no time at all to devote to WoW, due to a full time job. Too bad though, i have a lvl 70 mage with high end gear collecting dust on Eonar....
I'd better stop talking about this now, i'm already getting the shivers from abstinence :-P
Gator_man: Maybe you should give EVE Online a try. Don't have to worry about which server to start your character in and can play with all your friends from around the world at once. It's great fun. :)

These are my exact feelings on it.
I got a 70 lock gathering dust on US Echo Isles....I miss playing him sometimes but there's just no way I am getting back into WoW. That damn game ate me up for a while and I am glad to be free of it.
Stopped playing it after few months. It was taking just way too much of my time. :( Great game, the best MMORPG* released so far.
* Personal opinion. ;)
kiva: FOR THE HORDE!!!!!!! ;)
I just started playing again since I got the whole game cheap at Circuit City. Im on Mannoroth Mebius/ud/lock.

Don't you then have to pay a subscription? Buying the game initially wouldn't bother me, but the whole having to pay per month on top of that really bothers me, that's why I always wanted to try Guild Wars.
honorbuddy: Don't you then have to pay a subscription? Buying the game initially wouldn't bother me, but the whole having to pay per month on top of that really bothers me, that's why I always wanted to try Guild Wars.

Yes but in GW I mostly played alone and it did not felt so mmo, it felt more like a single player rpg. In wow I have a lot of real life friends who play so im back with the group :). The fee its not so bad because when I played wow I bought less games.
honorbuddy: Don't you then have to pay a subscription? Buying the game initially wouldn't bother me, but the whole having to pay per month on top of that really bothers me, that's why I always wanted to try Guild Wars.
kiva: Yes but in GW I mostly played alone and it did not felt so mmo, it felt more like a single player rpg. In wow I have a lot of real life friends who play so im back with the group :). The fee its not so bad because when I played wow I bought less games.

That makes sense, it takes the place of newer purchases I guess.
burning blade server
55 nelf druid
73 nelf DK
20+ dwarf loladin
lowlvl lock, priest, hunter, mage, shaman....
.. So there aren't that much players around here.
Anyone's welcome to join us on Saurfang later on when I'll be able I'll start a Good Old Gamers guild, which will be based on the DRM-Free ideology.
"Raid for DRM Freedom", or something similar. 8D
Anyone is welcome to transfer/join, just whisper Maladie on Saurfang.
so i was thinking of making new chars from the beginning as alliance. gnomes only. and calling ourselves GOG or Good old Gnomes :D
If we need the guild created NOW i have a gnome mage lvl 43 on auchindoun :)