Posted March 11, 2014
I'm seriously considering buying one of the newer games strictly out of support for GOG but they're so damn expensive (at least, compared to what i'm used to paying for older games). I've been looking at videos of Age of Wonders 3 and it seems like a nice game but I'm so hesitant to buying first day sales games. If you don't like a game that cost you two or three bucks, you didn't lose much, but a $40 dollar one, it kinda stings.
I'm downloading AoW: Shadowmagic right now to see if it helps me make up my mind. I played a demo long time ago and it seemed fun. If it manages to hook me in before March 31st I might preorder, deluxe edition even, since I listened to 8 minutes of the music and liked it.
I was considering buying Witcher 3 on the first day as well, like I did with Witcher 2 but... i haven't even played Witcher 2 yet. S'okay though, I have a whole year, since they pushed the date to 2015.
I want to support GOG and their "we listen to our customers" policies. Speaking with my wallet and buying a release day game out of a sale is my way of doing it... but it huuuurts! :)
I am super interested in some sort of middle ground. I personally don't need day 1 DRM-free AAA games. There are bucket fulls of once AA, AAA, A or whatever titles that are a couple of years past their prime. Games that have already been sold for next to nothing, and pirated out the wazoo. Maybe we don't see Bioshock Infinite for a year or two, but why not 1, or 2? Why not Arkham Asylum/City? Why not Assassins Creed 2? It would be nice if we could catch up just a little bit, and that stuff would be less traumatic on the wallet.