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Asylum Playing Cards.

I am just curious because I checked out the Kickstarter page and all the updates are for backers only and some are quite recent. Just curious if it is along the lines of "f*** yeah I got all your money b******!". Any backers who could tell me what they say? Also I hope you are successful in getting your money back if you did back this. Also apologies if this is already a topic. I searched and nothing came up.
Heh, I had to laugh at this....
Back in October 2012, a Kickstarter campaign for Asylum Playing Cards wrapped up very successfully, bringing in more than $25,000 on a $15,000 goal.


The lawsuit seeks restitution for backers, fines of up to $2000 per violation of the Consumer Protection act (which if we assume one violation for each backer could total more than $1.6 million) and all of the costs and attorney's fees associated with bringing the suit.
Yeah, right, I'm sure the backers won't ever see a penny of restitution considering all of those other things that will come out first. They sure are stretching that more than $25,000 about as far as it can be stretched, I'll give 'em that.
They misspelled his name, it's supposed to be Polchlopek not Polchlepek. Polish names are supremely difficult to spell but 'Polchlepek' sounds more like an Aztec god or something.
awalterj: They misspelled his name, it's supposed to be Polchlopek not Polchlepek. Polish names are supremely difficult to spell but 'Polchlepek' sounds more like an Aztec god or something.
Exactly, 'Polchlopek' means sth like 'half-a-countryman' ;-)
OldFatGuy: Heh, I had to laugh at this....

Back in October 2012, a Kickstarter campaign for Asylum Playing Cards wrapped up very successfully, bringing in more than $25,000 on a $15,000 goal.


The lawsuit seeks restitution for backers, fines of up to $2000 per violation of the Consumer Protection act (which if we assume one violation for each backer could total more than $1.6 million) and all of the costs and attorney's fees associated with bringing the suit.
OldFatGuy: Yeah, right, I'm sure the backers won't ever see a penny of restitution considering all of those other things that will come out first. They sure are stretching that more than $25,000 about as far as it can be stretched, I'll give 'em that.
Yeah I doubt anyone is getting much out of this. I am curious about what happened though. I asked about the backer updates because I wanted to know if it was a genuine swindle or he just really overstretched himself and it all fell apart so he tried to ignore it and just hope it would go away.
awalterj: They misspelled his name, it's supposed to be Polchlopek not Polchlepek. Polish names are supremely difficult to spell but 'Polchlepek' sounds more like an Aztec god or something.
Oh my god you cracked. Aztec. 2012 ends and so he has to disappear like that calendar predicted! :D
Post edited May 03, 2014 by jumbalia