Posted September 20, 2008

Elite II: Frontier? That old? edit: no.. Not Elite. No surface there if I remember right... Terminal Velocity? Naa... Hmm...

Also, any Wing Commander from 3 upwards I could imagine on a DVD, but this one didn't seem to have anything justifying it being released on that medium, as opposed to CDs ;)
This could also be wrong, but I THINK this was in windows 95/98 era.
Oh! You mean Lander! Demo of that game with my CS joystick. Only one mission - land to the surface? Right? Wasn't very "game of the year" material, but fun. :D
Also for Chris,
Those spells sounds pretty much like DnD game (Earthly Fist exspecialy brings back memories), but personally I wasn't really big fan of those PC versions. :D But are you saying that it was released after stonekeep and it still was First person? There wasn't many of FIrst person RPG's after Diablo so your list should be very short... atleast on PC...
But maybe some DnD player can help you with this...