evilnancyreagan: hard to complain about my first world problems when almost a billion people don't have anything to eat or even clean water to drink
I get what you're saying, but the fact that someone might have it worse does not mean you don't have it bad. We might not struggle to find food and water every day, but a serious depression or major economic problems or any other situation can be just as heavy and debilitating. No situation is too "first-world" to be discussed here. :)
CarrionCrow: In the name of honesty in the face of an honest question? Ups and downs. But nothing I'm not used to, thank you for asking. And you?
Anything in particular you'd like to talk about?
I'm doing alright, thank you! I've struggled with depression and anxiety for most of my life, but things are finally looking up for me! Just thought that maybe I should pay it forward, you know. I'm doing alright now, but I still remember and know very well what it's like to feel like absolute sh*t.