theslitherydeee: When you first sign up for GOG there's a half dozen games you get for free to start you off. So how often do they update that? I've seen people with gift codes for things like Teenagent so they had to have been selling them at one point.
As far as I know, pretty much all of these games have always been free on GOG. It's just that you can technically "purchase" them like any other game, because "new" free games are not automatically added to your account.
For example, last year Flight of the Amazon Queen and Stargunner were added to the catalogue, but if you already had an account before that, you had to add them to your library manually, complete with checkout and confirmation e-mail. Something similar used to apply to the temporary giveaways, where they just set the game's price to $0.00 for two days, but they ditched that with the recent Dungeon Keeper giveaway. That's why someone can buy a Teenagent gift code for a laugh.
Keep in mind that several of the permanently free games here are regular "freeware" anyway, such as Beneath a Steel Sky or Tyrian 2000.