ChaunceyK: Gonna try this next, fingers crossed. :-)
blotunga: If it doesn't works out of the box then you should try winetricks.
Here's the message I got when trying to load Lubuntu onto VirtualBox...
This kernel requires an x86-64 CPU, but only detected an i686 CPU.
Unable to boot - please use a kernel appropriate for your CPU. I'm guessing I downloaded the wrong Lubuntu .iso?
Arkose: This is a 16-bit Windows game so won't work directly on DOSBox or 64-bit versions of Windows. The best option is a virtual machine with a 32-bit version of Windows. If you have Windows 7 Professional or Ultimate you can download
Windows XP Mode for free, otherwise you'll need a valid version of Windows to install manually in
VirtualBox or the like. Any 32-bit version of Windows would work for this game.
Wait a minute...I couldn't get WinXP working under Windows Virtual PC, but it seems to be working under VirtualBox. Only thing is, I can't get the mouse to work in it.
[EDIT] I got the mouse working, now to figure out how to put CotW on there.
[EDIT2] Yes! I've got it working completely!! WinXP on VirtualBox, and CotW is loaded & ready to go!!