1999. A pretty good year. I met the only girl I've ever (and probably the only one I ever will) really loved, who I later lost due to my stupidity. Oh, and waiting months with KISS tickets in my hand for the May 2000 Farewell Tour show near me. Having those in my hand was worse than seeing a big red "Do Not Press" button on a machine that gives free BJ's and bacon wrapped beef jerky. I couldn't wait for the night to come, seeing Skid Row, Ted Nugent and KISS (the original lineup) on the same show.
Funny thing is, my friend that I went with was driving since I bought the tickets and it was a 3 hr. drive. He said he got a headache during Skid Row's opening and wanted to leave, thinking I would come along just because he wanted to leave. I told him to leave if he wanted and I'd find a way home. He left and the girls and guy next to us said they'd give me a ride home. I told them it was a 3 hour drive and they said they didn't care since my friend was a dick. Anyway, this was the show that Gene got busted open by Ace's guitar at the end of the show during "Rock and Roll All Nite" when confetti was raining down. Our seats were prime and I was able to get a lot of confetti with Gene's blood on it which kicked ass and during the ride home I was in the back with a girl that I had known when I was a kid (and would later pose for Playboy's website and hosting a show for them) and we spent the three hour drive making out and drinking from the case of beer they had brought along.
I called my friend when I got in to tell him about the show he missed and all he could talk about were the two tickets he had gotten on the way home for speeding lol
Sorry, that went a bit away from 1999, but it's a good story nonetheless.