GameRager: Bah, i'm not into strategy. I just want to hack and slash, rinse, repeat.
Tuco: Well, at least don't brag about it.
I didn't mean it to sound so crude. I do SOME strategy(I guess you could call it.) by playing certain classes and watching the different enemies and gauaging my next move. Other than that though I dislike having to spend a shit ton of time in one small spot(beyond boss battles) because the next enemy can chew through my armor and spit bits of me out if I look at him the wrong way, even if i'm as tough as he is just not the "right kind" of tough to beat him.
To me, an RPG(or hack and slash game like this) should be challenging yet not to the point where you want to give up playing, even on the easiest difficulties. I also shouldn't have to replay an area 20+ times to beat it....maybe 5ish or so would be fine, but not "fall off a cliff due to baddie knocking you off, have to repeat entire area", "respawn", "continue past area of cliffs and then get gimped by a baddie hiding behind a doorway because he had armor ignoring magic and you didn't see him.", etc.