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Thanks for the link!

I've never been all that interested in the business side of things but the psychology aspect of this is fascinating. What are the mechanics of loyalty, what creates and destroys it? etc...
Mentalepsy: Yes, the demand for DRM-free has grown, but the demand for Steam has grown a hell of a lot faster.
Heh, yeah, and some people are actually getting tired of hearing about GOG's anti-DRM stance:

Sheesh. :P

EDIT: But you know what? Aside from continuing to bring the Humongous games, I've got to stop making these GOG things my own problem. I've got enough to worry about.
Post edited January 01, 2014 by tfishell
Interested to see what's this new stuff they say they have in store for us this year...
Amazing review, thanks for sharing :D
DukeNukemForever: [snip]
dxhaFFer: Perhaps 'revolution' is too strong of a term, but it's a trend nonetheless. It remains to be seen whether it'll go mainstream and be successful. Frankly, I'm not convinced of that happening any time soon. Who does even care about having DRM in products or not? Publishers do (apparently). And consumers? I don't have any data on that one.
I would say enough of us care about it to make Microsoft pull a 180 in terms of the DRM that was going to be on the XBone. That's pretty fucking huge, candidly.
Thanks for posting the link, it was interesting.
I read that interview as well and it was an interesting read.
I wonder though if one day we can expect to see newer titles as well.
Right now, i am playing Bioshock 3 which i got through Steam. But i really wished that these titles were also available through GoG.
Of course these are newer titles and i think it is not probable to see such titles without DRM any time soon. But it would actually make sense.
Thinking of titles that had a huge controversy like Spore or any title from EA it makes me wonder if we just suck it up?
For a while i bought for exactly that reason games just on consoles but in the end i rather play on a computer since some games offer modding as well which makes the game so much more valuable.

I wish you guys from GoG the best to succeed in your pursuit. And yes, its true that sales are hurting the bottom line and i am a sucker for that too.
But i am also glad to get titles that are not even available anymore and still i can get them for a reasonable price.

I love the 1 comment at the end. I feel it's appropriate for GOG's current troubles.
DukeNukemForever: [snip]
dxhaFFer: Perhaps 'revolution' is too strong of a term, but it's a trend nonetheless. It remains to be seen whether it'll go mainstream and be successful. Frankly, I'm not convinced of that happening any time soon. Who does even care about having DRM in products or not? Publishers do (apparently). And consumers? I don't have any data on that one.
I can understand from the marketing why they use revolution, it sounds strong and big. It's the typical marketing chit-chat, and while I normally absolutely hate that talk I hope it's helpful in that case, because as someone who cares about his stuff (games and music) the trends I personally see don't look good. My fear is that he uses examples which are correct for the past (speaking for music), but can easily backfire in the future.

You asked who cares about in drm in his products, which is a good question. My answer would be some smaller group for sure, but the mainstream only if it heavily affects the useability. The xbox one is a good example here, because always online is for many still a big problem. But as time goes by the situation changes, like for digital music when you need take care of three operation systems for mobile devices and three for computers. Offering here a new services (flatrates, easy access, streaming) let many forget or don't care anymore that they don't own anything. That's ok, but of course can have impacts of the small group of folks who still wants own his stuff.
Potzato: Crap there are two topics about that.
dxhaFFer: My mistake, didn't find it while searching before posting. Crap indeed.
The title of the other thread is misleading (edit : not misleading it's more general like "gog in the news"), Licurg recycled an existing one. It's really not your fault. I was just thinking that two threads talking about the same thing without clear indication was unfortunate.
Post edited January 01, 2014 by Potzato
dxhaFFer: Perhaps 'revolution' is too strong of a term, but it's a trend nonetheless. It remains to be seen whether it'll go mainstream and be successful. Frankly, I'm not convinced of that happening any time soon. Who does even care about having DRM in products or not? Publishers do (apparently). And consumers? I don't have any data on that one.
DukeNukemForever: [...] Offering here a new services (flatrates, easy access, streaming) let many forget or don't care anymore that they don't own anything. That's ok, but of course can have impacts of the small group of folks who still wants own his stuff.
There are many sides to this problem and I think you are spot on regarding people's attitude. If critical mass of customers don't mind any sort of content control than it's not an incentive for provider of said content to change its policies. With Xbox One, I think, its DRM scheme was too radical and noticeable, yes, but also it's tech savvy gamers who took issue with it. Sometimes the minority's got the loudest voice.
Also, it's an awareness issue. How many people actually read the Terms of Service for Steam and know that they don't "own" games there?

Potzato: The title of the other thread is misleading (edit : not misleading it's more general like "gog in the news"), Licurg recycled an existing one. It's really not your fault. I was just thinking that two threads talking about the same thing without clear indication was unfortunate.
That thread is where this really belongs, yes. I'll be more careful next time.