Posted June 30, 2009
So im having this problem lately.
Some time ago i found cool Band on YouTube, so i bought their CD in shop, after a while i wanted to watch their vido again and gues what, this content is not available in my country due to legal rights. Its legal tu buy their album, they are even aired in radio, but it is illegal to watch their music wideo witch is in my opinion a promo material that makes u want to buy a product.
There is less and less things i can watch on YT, hell i cant watch some clips from "Funny Video" topic.
Next thing, i bought Gears of War PC at release. Game that needs GFWL application installed. I installed it (polish version), installed game just to find out that GFWL doesn't support my country, so i payed full price and get only 33% of content.
So i should stay away from games with GFWL logo, but i had to find out how diferent is Fallout 3 from originals, so i read that there won't be GFWL support, but it seems there is almost no support at all. Patches dont work, no way getting DLC.
i can buy lots of things in shops, but their are unavailable for me in internet, or have online options disabled because of my localization.
So are there more borders in Internet, than in real life.
Only thing that is global are prices, there seem to be the same, but even then for europe is not $ at the end of numbers.
And im not sure did i heard right but didnt Australian goverment banned 15+ Content in their country??
If its gonna go this way soon will get Country Wide Web. Only pices will stay for Europ and rest of the world.
I say something is going wrong way with this whole regionalization, wasn't Internet Global thing. With no restrictions where u want go and what u want to see. Without censorship, categorizing because of your localization?
Its like if i bought a cake and then realize that i am not allowed to eat 1/4 of it because i live on the other street than the shop i bought it, 1/4 of it is forrbiden to be eaten on my street, and cream on it has one ingredient that is part of some other cake that is sold in other shop, and they dont allow u eat it if u bought it in different shop.
This probably dont make sense.
But im starting to feel it this way.
Sorry for being boring, wrong spelling, but it makes me mad more and more every next day.
Some time ago i found cool Band on YouTube, so i bought their CD in shop, after a while i wanted to watch their vido again and gues what, this content is not available in my country due to legal rights. Its legal tu buy their album, they are even aired in radio, but it is illegal to watch their music wideo witch is in my opinion a promo material that makes u want to buy a product.
There is less and less things i can watch on YT, hell i cant watch some clips from "Funny Video" topic.
Next thing, i bought Gears of War PC at release. Game that needs GFWL application installed. I installed it (polish version), installed game just to find out that GFWL doesn't support my country, so i payed full price and get only 33% of content.
So i should stay away from games with GFWL logo, but i had to find out how diferent is Fallout 3 from originals, so i read that there won't be GFWL support, but it seems there is almost no support at all. Patches dont work, no way getting DLC.
i can buy lots of things in shops, but their are unavailable for me in internet, or have online options disabled because of my localization.
So are there more borders in Internet, than in real life.
Only thing that is global are prices, there seem to be the same, but even then for europe is not $ at the end of numbers.
And im not sure did i heard right but didnt Australian goverment banned 15+ Content in their country??
If its gonna go this way soon will get Country Wide Web. Only pices will stay for Europ and rest of the world.
I say something is going wrong way with this whole regionalization, wasn't Internet Global thing. With no restrictions where u want go and what u want to see. Without censorship, categorizing because of your localization?
Its like if i bought a cake and then realize that i am not allowed to eat 1/4 of it because i live on the other street than the shop i bought it, 1/4 of it is forrbiden to be eaten on my street, and cream on it has one ingredient that is part of some other cake that is sold in other shop, and they dont allow u eat it if u bought it in different shop.
This probably dont make sense.
But im starting to feel it this way.
Sorry for being boring, wrong spelling, but it makes me mad more and more every next day.