MadalinStroe: The first guy is
Jesse Cox(youtube channel link) and he does Let's Play. He is great fan of Witcher, he even has a video or two, from when CD Projekt RED invited him to Poland to visit their studio(just search Poland on his channel). He did let's plays of all the titles by David Cage, which includes Omikron: The Nomad Soul, Fahrenheit and Beyond: Two Souls.
The second person was Dodger, another youtuber(?). She's one of the other two regulars in the podcast run by Polaris, a group of high profile youtubers who do content related to games. I think some (or perhaps all?) of the other people featured are also members of that organisation. Oddly enough TotalBiscuit is a well known member of it, though (he's the third regular on the podcast along with Jesse and Dodger), and he wasn't included. Either GOG's keeping his inclusion a secret, or the Polaris connection is a coincidence.
Having watched Jesse and Totalbicuit's Terraria and Starbound videos, I strongly dispute his assertion that he wouldn't sing songs about it.