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Enjoy your adventure together, and remember to always communicate.

I'm in!
Congratulations! I Was engaged once myself, till I finally came to my senses. Hope no excessive alcohol was involved in your decision making process there as well ;)
I am in. Thanks.

By the way, once you married you will never play video games again....
DrakoPensulo: I am in. Thanks.

By the way, once you married you will never play video games again....
lol funny...or you find yourself playing a lot more Lego games or other games you wouldn't normally play as much.
Happy Happy Joy Joy. Im in
Congrats! I'm in. (+1)
Post edited December 12, 2013 by woosk
Congrats, +1 and I'm in.

I actually just popped the question myself! (on Thanksgiving morning outside in the cold) she said yes and then said okay now lets go warm up inside!
Awesome news, congrats! Bet you're still floating on air.
Would like to try my luck in your giveaway too, thank you.
Congrats on joining the club! It is awesome so don't let anyone tell you different!

Count me in!
Congratz. I'm in too!!
Mazel tov! Congratulations! Happy day ;-)

Finding the right person makes all the difference - I can tell you from hard won experience! So sure, count me in to celebrate your good fortune ;-) I wish you both much happiness and joy!

I was traveling and didn't have much time to write any words of wisdom so here goes;

Marriage may be a lifetime commitment but if you look at it as a daily commitment it takes on a whole different light. Each day brings different things - sickness, joy, dullness, exquisite happiness - but if you commit to being nice to each other no matter what each day brings, you'll have a marriage others will always envy and well you'll be pretty happy too!

It is easy to forget the little things as time try to make a few things special like always holding her hand when you walk in public or kissing her on the forehead when you part ways - if you do one or two small things that connect you physically every day it becomes a habit and it makes it much more difficult to grow apart or even stay angry at each other for very long.

Help out around the house - srsly, most women still feel like it is their job to do the housework so find something that isn't terribly onerous and make it your job - dishes, laundry, mopping the floors - even one thing done regularly will make her feel like you two are a team.


Share what's going on with you.

Make her laugh on a regular basis. Even if you are not naturally funny, find something on the internet or in a book. A man that makes an effort to make a woman laugh is a joy indeed ;-)

Lastly, don't let sex become the last thing on your "to-do" list. Make a commitment to a physical relationship because there is something amazing about how it creates and maintains a relationship.

~Ok, the soapbox is free now ;-p ~
Post edited December 16, 2013 by Momo1991
Congrats and best wishes.
I piece of advice I heard for marriage is that if you fight naked you'll never fight again. Whether this has yet to be confirmed but it sounds like its worth a shot.