pds41: People deserve to make money from works they have created. Copyright allows this. However, works should (and do) come out of copyright in the UK - usually after a period has elapsed after the death of the creator.
I agree.
pds41: I see nothing wrong with a system that allows people and their families to benefit from their own endeavors.
I kinda agree, although I don't agree that family estates should be able to live off the proceeds of inherited rights. Once a creator dies, the copyright should expire with them. The current establishment breeds laziness.
One of the biggest failings of copyright law at the moment is that the real creator seldom actually benefits from the copyright. Most works are created as part of a business, which means that the employer receives the lion's share of the licence income and the creator receives a one-off lump sum or standard salary - either of which is usually a pittance.
If anyone believes that copyright law - at least in its current state - serves to protect creators, they are seriously delusional.