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trespasser (1998)
Probably GTA San Andreas. Which I subsequently broke trying to install no-CD and widescreen patches.
Diablo 1 - Hellfire (1997)
SCPM: I've never uninstalled ... Strife, I just copy the game folder to every computer I own.
Would love to see that one on GOG one of these days.
TrevorWilliams: The first Kain. I bought the sequels here during the summer sale but always need to start from the beginning.
madth3: How are you running that? In Windows 7 64 bits I have problems and I was thinking to run it in a virtual machine with Windows 98.
I just googled and found it in sort of 'gog-ified' in a possibly shady place. Have to run a CPU slow down tool too, but it seems to work fine. Only played a few minutes so far, too many distractions of all these games here, think I'm playing about ten different games now....
Glider Pro. The greatest game under 2 mb lol
SCPM: I've never uninstalled ... Strife, I just copy the game folder to every computer I own.
mistermumbles: Would love to see that one on GOG one of these days.
Same here, it's my all time favorite game.
ChaunceyK: Castle of the Winds! I play it once every 3 or 4 years, as the mood strikes me.
babark: Hey, that's right! It's available for free now, though.... I installed it (well, copied the files, anyhow :D) a while back, but I'm getting this weird "image tearing" issue where bits of the main character got left on the screen.
I posted for help with it here late last year, maybe something in there can help you get it running properly.
Blackthorne and The Lost Vikings (both available free from Blizzard). Never heard of the third one before though (Rock N' Roll Racing). Probably will try it at some point.
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing.....
The last one i installed was Blade Runner, found it for $1 at Goodwill about a week ago. Haven't gotten the chance to try it yet, hopefully soon!
I count only retail games, not old games from other digital stores like DotEmu, GamersGate or Steam:

System Shock 2. I installed the retail version maybe late last year with some community patches, but a bit later uninstalled it and installed the GOG version instead. The retail version seemed to work fine, but I decided to still go with the GOG version, just so that if I have any issues, I have support from GOG.

Before that, I think it was Heavy Gear, about two years ago? I used my old laptop (IBM ThinkPad T41) running Win98SE for it as the newest patch for HG seemed to have some issues in both Windows 7 and even XP. It ran fine on that laptop, finished the game there.
Post edited July 15, 2014 by timppu
Dungeon Hack.

I would love to see the Goldbox games along with most of SSI's catalogue to arrive here sometime in the near future.
Here's hoping 8)
MaxFulvus: Nocturne, which should be on GOG with a little patch ! Come on guys, I'm sure you can do it !
F1ach: Can you get it to run on win 7?

My non gog game installed was called Revenant


Gog would be a good home for it.
Yes, try the steps :
- install the game in a specific file (name it "games" for example) and not in Program files.
- put the shortcut in W98 compatibility mode
- check "Execute as Administrator".
- play
Last game i played was probably Xixit...

Or castle of the winds...