Okay, just finished it. I must say I'm much happier about it than my initial impressions promised. It's true what other people are saying, it's Monkey Island, alright. The camera thing isn't as annoying later on as it is in the beginning, the "three-conversation-choices-leading-to-the-same-thing-being-said" thankfully isn't as rampant either, and there aren't too many inventory items you have to combine. I still think the above are stupid design choices, but fortunately, they don't negatively impact the gameplay too much.
I think my main beef with it right now is the "lazy design", meaning they have made only such objects as are needed in the game, and no more. There are a very few exceptions to this, but generally, if an object has a "name", meaning it shows a title when you move the mouse pointer over it, then you need to interact with that object at some point in the game. The old MI games were full of stuff that wasn't a part of any puzzle or task, but which served to flesh out the world around Guybrush. There's almost none of that in this latest incarnation, and I think it's a pity.
That said, I'm glad I bought it, and I look forward to the next episode.
Post edited July 12, 2009 by Wishbone