Nirth: I liked the fog that enabled you to become invisible and backstab enemies in BO2. The only redeeming quality that comes to mind.
Even that was kinda poor, since it could only be used in certain areas, like most skills. :<
I remember in Symphony of the Night Alucard could turn to fog, a wolf or a bat, when- and wherever the player wanted him to. I think the (were-)wolf transformation from Blood Omen wasn't even in BO2. Everything just felt really limited and lacking, overall.
tinyE: I loved running around killing people. I ,loved the look, feel, sound, the JUMPS! Maybe I'm an idiot I don't know. :P
Eh, might as well play Postal for that. :P
If BO2 is on sale during the holidays, maybe I'll pick it up, just to see if it's really as bad as I remember it.