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I'm in. I patched this up from several different authors I'm familiar with; I've always been frustrated with protagonists who end up winning through the virtue of them being the hero despite their long history of screwing up.

An excerpt from The Life and Travels of Saint Leopold

The world lies, from the moment we’re brought into this world to the day that your life is taken from you, it always has. Men ... are not created equal. Some are born with greater strength, some with greater beauty; some are born into poverty and others born sick and feeble. In both birth and upbringing, in sheer scope of ability every human is inherently different. That is why the people discriminate against one another, which is why there is struggle. Thou shalt not commit murder, thou shalt not bear false witness, thou shalt not cheat, thou shalt not steal, and thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife. All of these are lies, enacted each night and denounced at the break of dawn.

Yet there is no dignity in wickedness, whether in robes of nobility or rags; hell is a land where all are equals. But in this world sin with coin in its hand can travel freely whereas Virtue, if a pauper, is stopped at all frontiers. There is a touch of divinity even in brutes that should forever exempt him from indignities. I am burdened by sorrow my brothers; there is war and discrimination, malicious deeds that are carried out by the strong. The same abhorrent interplay of tragedy and comedy of centuries past, the world has not changed. The people still suffer. What do you do when there is an evil you cannot defeat by just means? Do you stain your hands with evil to destroy evil, or do you remain steadfastly just and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil?

Facing death my heart despairs that the foretold time will never come, but I fear it also. All the signs say that a single child will decide our fate. Will it be a strong man, or a dullard and buffoon who was born under the weight of the stars. One life to change the world… what if the gods in their ill humor bless us with a fool, who will let our world slip through their fingers.
user1point0: So for this contest, I decided to write my first limerick of a legend! Though it's more of an epic, a story of man's struggle against everyday life and those that oppose him. One of my favorites, though only the first part is written. Since it's my first one, be as anal as possible!

If You Can't Live Easy...

There once was a cop from a city
Who could best be described as witty
He was visiting his wife, Holly
During the time of all jollies
A far flight from his life, which is gritty

Her workplace was holding a celebration
For holding enough money to fund a corporation
But some terrorists attacked
And the personnel were all packed
But our hero was in a different location

The terrorist leader's name was Gruber
And he was quite the uber deluder
He used a fake out play
To acquire a 640mil pay
At least, until he heard an intruder

So the boss sent someone to intercept
But the cop was forced to be adept
He takes out the criminal
And his supplies proved to be minimal
But the bad guy's gun and radio, he'll accept

The cop thought he needed to show
That he was a worthy foe
He took the body with gloat
Sent him down with a note
That said, "I now have a machine gun. Ho ho ho."

The terrorists' confidence was spread wide
Calming the brother of the man who just died
But the leader had told him
Not to fall prey to his whim
So the brother must stomach his pride

The cop goes to the roof to call
And dispatch appears to appall
Then they said very boldly
They answer emergency calls only

At that time, the terrorists surprised him
He's trapped, and with his fate quite grim
But he escaped the hail of bullets
Leaving the terrorists a bit more clueless
And dispatch finally goes out on a limb

Camera in to a policeman, a Twinkie buyer
Who claims they're for his wife, the liar
Then he receives a code two
Someone bit more than he could chew
So he took off as if there was a fire

The cop narrowly escapes the brother
By hiding in the vents, where the heat smothers
The policeman arrives
And he investigates with a strive
But the cop says, "No cavalry? Oh bother."

The policeman made his contribution
But the cop felt he had a solution
So he broke an office window
Killed someone and then showed
That throwing bodies on a car provides noise pollution.

Suddenly the policeman had reason
To believe things are a little uneven
So he outran a machine gun
To call for help in the long run
This is gonna be one hell of a holiday season

"Welcome to the party, pal."
Thanks for reminding me of the good, old Die Hard.:D

Not in, just wanted to say that was fun reading this.
duragon: Let me try my hand at this, I'm taking a very good story I read and paraphrasing into a legend. Anyone want to give a guess on the work in question? Should be easy enough if you've read it, especially with the ending as it is. :)
Are you gonna enlighten us? Because I'm at a complete loss :P
Drawing might be postponed a bit till Thespian shows up and has the time to judge.
(He wasn't online yesterday and not sure if he will be today)
Tempting, tempting as this game is on my wishlist.

But no, not in. +1 and thanks.
user1point0: If You Can't Live Easy...
Well done!
Post edited May 21, 2014 by toxicTom
user1point0: Are you gonna enlighten us? Because I'm at a complete loss :P
Sure :D, Worm is a completed web serial novel of around 1.5 million words. This is the about page with the summary and the table of contents to help you navigate.

Due to the legend, any new readers coming from here is a bit spoilered, but it's definitely worth the read.
wow, nice giveaway, not in
but +1
blotunga: The Legend of Sweet and Sour
The rattling of chainmail begun to fade in the distance. He released a huge sigh and continued West. The city of Alaristan never sleeps, it lights up the night sky like a torch, he mused. He jumped across a few more rooftops and then silently dropped to the ground.
A knock on the door startled the cook and he almost fell out of his chair as he was dosing in the kitchen. He righted himself up still half asleep and opened the door just a hand's width.
"Oh, it's you Sweet, what do you have this time?"
"Nothing for you, but I might have something for the boss"
"Today I'm the boss"
"And I'm a virgin nun, Sour, cut the crap"
"The boss is out, so I'm the boss today"
"Then say, can you pay me for these?" and Sweet laid out the contents of his bag on the table. Minor trinkets, silverware, rings, broaches and a weird purple-tinted mirror.
"Where the hell did you get these?"
"From Archmagus Yldar"
"What? He's the most evil magus of them all! And you haven't thought for a moment that they might be cursed or worse? Take for instance this mirror..." and he took up the mirror and glanced into it and as he did, he disappeared. Sweet caught the mirror just before it hit the ground or so he thought. But the ground he hit wasn't the kitchen floor but damp earth. And everything was dark.
"Sweet? Is that you?"
"Yes it is you moron, you've just stepped on my hand!"
"Where are we Sweet?"
"How the hell should I know?"
This is how sweet and sour food was invented.

Thanks and I'm in!
Congratulations, the wise man (cough cough) has spoken and judged you to be the winner.
Thanks everyone for playing, and thespian* for judging.
blotunga: The Legend of Sweet and Sour
The rattling of chainmail begun to fade in the distance. He released a huge sigh and continued West. The city of Alaristan never sleeps, it lights up the night sky like a torch, he mused. He jumped across a few more rooftops and then silently dropped to the ground.
A knock on the door startled the cook and he almost fell out of his chair as he was dosing in the kitchen. He righted himself up still half asleep and opened the door just a hand's width.
"Oh, it's you Sweet, what do you have this time?"
"Nothing for you, but I might have something for the boss"
"Today I'm the boss"
"And I'm a virgin nun, Sour, cut the crap"
"The boss is out, so I'm the boss today"
"Then say, can you pay me for these?" and Sweet laid out the contents of his bag on the table. Minor trinkets, silverware, rings, broaches and a weird purple-tinted mirror.
"Where the hell did you get these?"
"From Archmagus Yldar"
"What? He's the most evil magus of them all! And you haven't thought for a moment that they might be cursed or worse? Take for instance this mirror..." and he took up the mirror and glanced into it and as he did, he disappeared. Sweet caught the mirror just before it hit the ground or so he thought. But the ground he hit wasn't the kitchen floor but damp earth. And everything was dark.
"Sweet? Is that you?"
"Yes it is you moron, you've just stepped on my hand!"
"Where are we Sweet?"
"How the hell should I know?"
This is how sweet and sour food was invented.

Thanks and I'm in!
lugum: Congratulations, the wise man (cough cough) has spoken and judged you to be the winner.
Thanks everyone for playing, and thespian* for judging.
I can't believe he chose this over what was obviously much better entry. :P
tinyE: I can't believe he chose this over what was obviously much better entry. :P
Vulcan ways are inscrutable, my friend. :P
tinyE: I can't believe he chose this over what was obviously much better entry. :P
Thespian*: Vulcan ways are inscrutable, my friend. :P
Inside joke. :D
lugum: Congratulations, the wise man (cough cough) has spoken and judged you to be the winner.
Thanks everyone for playing, and thespian* for judging.
Thank you!

Thespian*: Vulcan ways are inscrutable, my friend. :P
Thanks my vulcan friend! :)
Thespian*: Vulcan ways are inscrutable, my friend. :P
blotunga: Thanks my vulcan friend! :)
It was my pleasure. :)

As I PM'ed to lugum when I chose your entry: "I liked most of the stories (it's a pity that "There Can Be Only One", as they say in the Highlander movie :D), but the one which really got me was Blotunga's. I love the not-so-veiled Thief reference and the humor which permeats it, so that's my choice."
Post edited May 21, 2014 by Thespian*
tinyE: I can't believe he chose this over what was obviously much better entry. :P
Thespian*: Vulcan ways are inscrutable, my friend. :P
Crap. I should have picked Die Hard 3. Congratulations, blotunga!
Post edited May 21, 2014 by user1point0
Thespian*: Vulcan ways are inscrutable, my friend. :P
user1point0: Crap. I should have picked Die Hard 3. Congratulations, blotunga!
Hey, your entry was really good, it was hard to choose in this contest, so I did need to follow my feelings. ;)

(that's another inside joke for you, TinyE) ;)

Time to go, have a nice day/evening you all !