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amok: Color me mildly interested. But I also do wish that the game was just set in the same universe, not staring Max himself, it is both limiting the narrative and possibility of the game.

And they get some bonus points for the choose of music for the trailer -
Minus points for me, because I'm really a fan of the Brian May score.
I am really, really hoping this will be a good game.
The Ayatollah of Rock and Rollah, Lord Humungus, better be a boss.
sauvignon1: The Ayatollah of Rock and Rollah, Lord Humungus, better be a boss.
I hope he has a list of 1004.
fr33kSh0w2012: FUCK YEAH!

It's Mad MAX the GAME! And It's going to have Aussie Voice Actors thank Christ.


Another PIC
monkeydelarge: It's about fucking time!
jamotide: We already have a Mad Max game, it is Fallout.
monkeydelarge: No because what makes a Mad Max game a Mad Max game is Mad Max, carmageddon style driving and post apocalyptic Australia.
Yep and the game will have ALL AUSSIE VOICE ACTORS!
fr33kSh0w2012: Yep and the game will have ALL AUSSIE VOICE ACTORS!
Interesting - considering Gibson and Hardy
Telika: An action game in the mad max universe is fine (carmageddon or borderlands could have been that). I don't like very much the idea of playing rockatansky himself. His own story is rather well defined and, despite of the mythical between-the-lines evolution from road warrior to thunderdome, I don't want him turned into a videogame indestructible badass superhero. That's exactly what he's not about (at least in the first two, and most defining, movies).
This I entirely agree with!
Edit: but on the face of it, I sadly think it will be more Borderlands than anything else I fear.
Post edited January 08, 2014 by Sachys
fr33kSh0w2012: Yep and the game will have ALL AUSSIE VOICE ACTORS!
Sachys: Interesting - considering Gibson and Hardy
Telika: An action game in the mad max universe is fine (carmageddon or borderlands could have been that). I don't like very much the idea of playing rockatansky himself. His own story is rather well defined and, despite of the mythical between-the-lines evolution from road warrior to thunderdome, I don't want him turned into a videogame indestructible badass superhero. That's exactly what he's not about (at least in the first two, and most defining, movies).
Sachys: This I entirely agree with!
Edit: but on the face of it, I sadly think it will be more Borderlands than anything else I fear.
Hopefully Not Borderlands was a complete pile of shit! a Friggin DLC so I can store my friggin favorite weapons Bloody hell!
Schnuff: Driving and running in an open world..sounds interesting.
But than, enemies can jump on your car and try to pull you out....and you must stop exist and only than can you fight them. I dunno but i hope its not Just Cause in a different setting.
Any news on the new Mad Max movie? Still scheduled for 2015 after endless problems?
The 3 games with Mad Max feeling for me are:
Roadwar 2000/Europe
What is wrong with Just Cause? Just Cause 2 is one of the best games ever.
monkeydelarge: What is wrong with Just Cause? Just Cause 2 is one of the best games ever.
I don't have anything against JC. I only hope that Mad Max is not another crazy shooter.
In the Mad Max World with spare resources wild shooting and endless explosions don't match for me.