Posted March 20, 2014

Thievin' Bastard Team
Registered: Oct 2008
From Poland

Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted March 20, 2014
No no, this is something that I did myself. Since the GOG ISO included in the download didn't have the short CD Audio tracks and there have been a few complaints about there being absolutely no music in the game I took the tracks off the original disc for the game and uploaded them so that my fellow Goggers could finally play the game with music =)

Registered: Jun 2012
From United States
Posted March 21, 2014
The link to Mediafire was uploaded by Vulchor himself directly from a CD-ROM of the game he owns.
Post edited March 23, 2014 by Eniena

Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted March 22, 2014

In fact why not just add the soundtrack as a bonus? If you're still having trouble getting the CD tracks to work properly just give us the soundtrack separately so when can play the game and have the songs going in our media players instead?
I really believe, and until a staff member or rights holder tells me otherwise, that this is just technical oversight and customer neglect. It has been repeatedly brought to the attention of GOG staff that there is NO music playing in-game, and staff has apparently been 'working on it' for 3 YEARS!!! This is outrageous!
I had to spend extra money to get pick up a CD copy on ebay (just $5 but still, that's another game I could have bought here) for the sole purpose of sharing these files with my fellow goggers. Judas still has not gotten back to me, and Sinistar has alerted staff too about this in hopes that they will greenlight his linking to my mediafire link in this thread and has not heard back yet either (or at least he hasn't told me he has).
If MediaFire is their concern, I can certainly use Google Docs or a personal FTP server. I just want to make sure that people get to play the game they paid for the way it was meant to be played. As far as it stands now, GOG is only selling half of a game.
I'll get off my soapbox right now, but I really wish to hear something official back. Maybe they're too busy with their GDC stuff right now, or sleeping off a hangover.
[EDIT] Here is a link to the in-game music from Capitalism Plus, hosted on Google Drive, which is hopefully more trustworthy for folks. Included are 8 less than one minute tracks that extracted from the CD-Audio portion the disc. The reason for sharing these is that these CD audio tracks did not translate over into ISO form (most likely because CD-Audio has no file-system) in the GOG cd rip included with your purchase of this great simulation game from GOG.
Judas, please research and explain any reason for removing this link if you, in the end, must remove it. Thanks! And enjoy, goglodytes.
[link removed due to possible rights holder issues]
For the record, I am most definitely not trying to do anything wrong. My re-upload was to help people until this grey area becomes black or white, and to draw attention to the fact that there is an incomplete game being sold. Thanks for your understanding, GOG staff and community :)
[EDIT3] removed link, but gained a response from staff. YAY!
Post edited March 23, 2014 by vulchor

Queso de Espacio
Registered: May 2013
From United States
Posted March 22, 2014

I know you have only the best intentions here, but at the same time we need to respect GOG's judgement and give them time to render a decision. Reposting the link is not the best way to handle it, as we do not know all the issues they are dealing with behind the scenes. Personally, I hope that they will work out the ownership issue and be able to include the tracks in future downloads themselves. But we need to give them time to decide either way.

Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted March 22, 2014

I know you have only the best intentions here, but at the same time we need to respect GOG's judgement and give them time to render a decision. Reposting the link is not the best way to handle it, as we do not know all the issues they are dealing with behind the scenes. Personally, I hope that they will work out the ownership issue and be able to include the tracks in future downloads themselves. But we need to give them time to decide either way.

Thievin' Bastard Team
Registered: Oct 2008
From Poland
Posted March 23, 2014

In fact why not just add the soundtrack as a bonus? If you're still having trouble getting the CD tracks to work properly just give us the soundtrack separately so when can play the game and have the songs going in our media players instead?
So, vulchor, do you have express written permission from the creator or the rights holder to distribute that soundtrack for free?
Also, the DOS version of CapPlus is offered as close to the original as possible and the version we have has been verified as such, DRM or copy protection removal not withstanding. So if the original did not feature any working calls to music, that's beyond our control.
Post edited March 23, 2014 by JudasIscariot

Registered: Jun 2012
From United States
Posted March 23, 2014
Well that was definitely a very well-written response. Figured that'd be the case. That settles that on the Capitalism Plus soundtrack.
Post edited March 24, 2014 by Eniena

Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted March 23, 2014

In fact why not just add the soundtrack as a bonus? If you're still having trouble getting the CD tracks to work properly just give us the soundtrack separately so when can play the game and have the songs going in our media players instead?

So, vulchor, do you have express written permission from the creator or the rights holder to distribute that soundtrack for free?
Also, the DOS version of CapPlus is offered as close to the original as possible and the version we have has been verified as such, DRM or copy protection removal not withstanding. So if the original did not feature any working calls to music, that's beyond our control.
Unfortunately, this still doesn't address the problem. There is no music being played. The DOS version had midis, GOG's version is not configured properly to play the midi files. The music is available in your release, just packed and stripped of midi headers. I do not know how to add those headers back. The files I have uploaded are these in original form but exported through a soundcard. Which is all the CD-audio tracks are as well.
So all this has done is confused me even more.
Again, let me make it clear: The DOS version DOES have music. GOG's DOS version is not configured to play the music, even though the binary data is provided. Therefore, I buy the game, I have the files, so am I licensed to play the files in the game. So are all other people that own the game. I am only offering the files to those that own the game so that they may partake in the original gameplay experience.
When you use the word "apparently" in the phrase "apparently, we didn't get the necessary permission..." it makes it seem like that is not an informed response, just speculation. There has been way too much speculation over this issue already, and I'm still extremely disappointed that it took over 4 years and my questionable tactics to get this much of a response.
I will respectfully take the link down, obviously. And I do thank you what little response you were able to give. I would be ecstatic, however, if you would respectfully provide more information or give a big nudge to whoever needs it to get the music working as was originally designed.
[EDIT, removed paragraph of me being a dickhole. It's too much effort, misunderstandings, and bad programming, but that's not a reason to be a dick to someone. If you read what I had here before, my apologies. I just really hope that we can get this fixed someday. I'm not convinced that there are no 'calls' to music in the binaries, but I have no way of testing the version they received. Just because my hard copy works doesn't mean theirs does. It just seems so damn nonsensical. I hope GOG puts up an advisory though that there is no music in their version of the game.]
Post edited March 23, 2014 by vulchor

Thievin' Bastard Team
Registered: Oct 2008
From Poland
Posted March 23, 2014

So, vulchor, do you have express written permission from the creator or the rights holder to distribute that soundtrack for free?
Also, the DOS version of CapPlus is offered as close to the original as possible and the version we have has been verified as such, DRM or copy protection removal not withstanding. So if the original did not feature any working calls to music, that's beyond our control.

Unfortunately, this still doesn't address the problem. There is no music being played. The DOS version had midis, GOG's version is not configured properly to play the midi files. The music is available in your release, just packed and stripped of midi headers. I do not know how to add those headers back. The files I have uploaded are these in original form but exported through a soundcard. Which is all the CD-audio tracks are as well.
So all this has done is confused me even more.
Again, let me make it clear: The DOS version DOES have music. GOG's DOS version is not configured to play the music, even though the binary data is provided. Therefore, I buy the game, I have the files, so am I licensed to play the files in the game. So are all other people that own the game. I am only offering the files to those that own the game so that they may partake in the original gameplay experience.
When you use the word "apparently" in the phrase "apparently, we didn't get the necessary permission..." it makes it seem like that is not an informed response, just speculation. There has been way too much speculation over this issue already, and I'm still extremely disappointed that it took over 4 years and my questionable tactics to get this much of a response.
I will respectfully take the link down, obviously. And I do thank you what little response you were able to give. I would be ecstatic, however, if you would respectfully provide more information or give a big nudge to whoever needs it to get the music working as was originally designed.
And, I am most certainly calling out your complete bullshit about this version being verified as closest to the DOS version as possible. My first paragraph and the rest of the thread entries that you pointed to verify the converse of what you said. I do apologize about my use of an antagonistic tone and language. My frustration levels just hit the point of boiling. I'm not trying to single you out Judas or suggest that you are a bullshitter, just that you got the wrong information. Please forgive my inability to phrase this whole thing more respectfully, I just don't know how at this time.
edit: thank you for removing the links :)
edit 2: I used the word apparently because it's the weekend and I don't always have all of the information on hand about a game and I am not about to bring up work matters on the weekend with other staff members.
Post edited March 23, 2014 by JudasIscariot

Registered: Apr 2012
From United States

Thievin' Bastard Team
Registered: Oct 2008
From Poland
Posted March 23, 2014

Queso de Espacio
Registered: May 2013
From United States
Posted March 24, 2014
Added the purchase link for the OST to today's new release, Escape Goat 2.

Queso de Espacio
Registered: May 2013
From United States
Posted March 27, 2014
Added Unholy Heights and its commercial OST. I'm unfamiliar with the vendor PLAYISM, so if someone has a better link for the soundtrack, I'll give that preference.
Moved Escape Goat 2 to the Partial Soundtrack list and added Ether One there. Ether One is another where you only get the full soundtrack with the "Deluxe Edition".
Moved Escape Goat 2 to the Partial Soundtrack list and added Ether One there. Ether One is another where you only get the full soundtrack with the "Deluxe Edition".
Post edited March 27, 2014 by IAmSinistar

Can You Face Your Fears?
Registered: Feb 2010
From Slovakia
Posted April 03, 2014
FTL: Advanced Edition Soundtrack -
Post edited April 03, 2014 by triock