Posted July 07, 2012

Half Life; sure it's a challenging old school shooter, but really I found it quite average and increasingly lost interest as I went along. I'm thinking of giving it another go at some point, since I loved HL2
Fallout; It's a great, concise little rpg by all means. I think my main agro comes from the fanboys. Most of the points they raise when bashing FO3 in comparison to the original (grey morality, open storyline etc) are kind of non-apparent. I consider it a surprisingly linear game (quite short too) with fairly black and white morals. It's still a good game, just not what the fan boys will have you believe. (to be fair most talk of non-linear gameplay is just hot air imo). FO2 is a nice improvement overall, but don't get me started with New Vegas!
Gears of War; I really couldn't understand the love this game got, cover mechanics seemed slightly broken to me, terrible attempt at telling a story, some really poor design sprung from a lack of imagination, it all generally cheapened gameplay. Coincidentally I really enjoyed the follow up :P
Halo Series Probably over hyped as a result of the console wars. Good for it's era, but timeless...?
CoD4; Seemed like a big step back from the previous games. One of those games that only ever felt challenging because of poor mechanics or simply unfair game design.
The Witcher; Unfortunately I am serious :( I love the game play, I adore the setting, I want to love the game. But the narrative, pacing and script leave major misgivings, and make me want to punch through my screen and into the devs living room. Other times I just laugh at how poor it is. Also "a mature, adult game"; get real. I completed the game recently and have the Witcher 2 downloaded, I just hope between the two games story and dialogue has improved, because damn there is potential there!
Star Craft Yes it's very well balanced, yes it's a sport in Korea, but there are better RTS's out there.
WoW just no
But hey, just my opinions!
Fallout: I have not comment
Gears of War: the game got famous because of the graphics I remember that being the reason, but I love Gears 3's Horde mode
Halo: it is because it is the first Console FPS that worked perfectly Goldeneye and Turok was not enough
Call of Duty 4: can you explain more please?
The Witcher: have not played the witcher so I would not know
Starcraft: Divided
WOW: I somewhat agree