jason95821: the type i like are storys ,free play open world but with a little hand holding
games almost like smuggler 5 ,kingdom pass , fall out series *love game with choices and consequences as well as upgrading crafting large replay value and char customzation male female looks nothing advance
any ideas what i might like on here
prefer the older games
From what you describe, I'd say the Elder Scrolls series would be your best bet. They're not available here (alas and alack!) but if you have never played Morrowind or Skyrim (*), for example, definitely give them a shot. For a more old school experience, you can download Daggerfall for free on Bethesda's official website for the game.
(*) I found Oblivion to be a rather poorer experience overall, so I wouldn't start with that one.
As for titles that are available on GOG... Well, I'm pretty sure there are several RPGs that would fill the bill, but since I'm still far from having played through all of them, I can only recommend Divine Divinity and its sequel Divinity 2. Both have a vast world to explore (although Divinity 2 is
slightly more linear), have an interesting overarching plot that keeps the games together while giving you the freedom to faff about to your heart's content, as well as tons of sidequests/secrets. There are some basic crafting elements in each game, but nothing complex. Character customization is basic as well (six pre-rendered models in DD - three male and three female - and a simple customization in D2).
What I love about the Divinity series is the fact that
a) all quests/conversations potentially have several solutions/responses
b) there is no bloody alignment/morality/karma/faction system; your actions have repercussions, but you're absolutely free to act like a saint towards one person, and be a complete douche towards another. You're free to roleplay as you choose. :)
And last but absolutely not least: the Divinity series have some of the most whimsical and light hearted humour I've ever seen in a video-game. It's not a cartoonish game, nor does it have a cartoonish story. But the dialogue and in-game descriptions are brimming with wit (and fantastically silly moments), and are guaranteed to make you laugh on a regular basis.