mabrookes: Probably missed this, but if not I would like to be in for
In my case, I would love to be considered for Kyrandia 1 + 2 + 3
My Christmas dinner was roast ham on snowflake rolls with some nice cheeses on the side. Had to be simple as I was in the hospital not long before that. We heated a pre-done pecan pie for dessert. It was nice enough but I think the pecan pies we made from scratch for Thanksgiving were a little better.
We rescheduled the turkey meal for New Year's Day, so the Christmas turkey is thawing now in the fridge. I will definitely do something with cranberries on the side, maybe a compote.
Thanks for having this giveaway!
jjsimp: Well, both of you late comer's were included due to my Wasteland 2 game. However, you weren't the lucky winners. The two winners were retsuseiba and boct1584.
retsuseiba will be getting Broken Sword 4 and Splinter Cell
boct1584 will be getting Long Live The Queen and Bioforge
Congratulations to the winners!
Happy New Year Everyone
(and thanks to jjsimp again for having the giveaway. This was very nice of you. Sorry I was late for it :)