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Not much of a Christmas for me. Mostly reheated Pizza and a lot of coffee. Not big on cooking ( aka, i have no clue how to cook ) and not much of a Christmas person. Call me Grinch. Or Scrooge. Beer and wine as drinks.

In for NWN 2 ( sale now ) or Wargame: European Escalation ( also sale ) and Alpha Centauri (also sale )
Last Christmas, and the one before, for dinner we went to KFC after the mass, yup Kentucky Fried Chicken. Nothing special, we have no unique tradition for Christmas dinner here, as far as I know. We had jelly pudding for dessert. My throat was sore and I got fever too some days ago. It wasn't comfortable to have meal but I still enjoyed it.

If I win, I'd like The Settlers® III: Ultimate Collection and Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic. Both are $4.99 at sale price.

Thank you, JJSimp for your generosity and merry Christmas/happy holiday to you.
For Christmas, ate a Gyro with rice and Dr. Pepper. No dessert.
In for Rayman Origins.
ElPrimordial: Too bad, no cookies for you.
Mi Xmas dinner was "Picana", a very tasty piggy leg mix (some add chicken and/or cow too, other only use turkey) which include all kind of vegetables and species to make it really savory, plus mashed potatoes, lettuce and tomatoes, all cover with that delicious sauce from pig meat concoction; some vine to "kill the pig", as we say here, and a glass of cider to toast. Finally we eat some delicious "pastelitos de queso" (fried cheese empanada). See attached photos if you're curious.

Going for Neighbors from Hell.

Merry Xmas!!!
GastonArg: that picana looks f*** awesome is like a good "puchero" here in Argentina :P
Funny thing its we have another type of dish called "puchero" (quite different from argentinian puchero) which its a carnival tradition.
low rated
My family and I had flavored sausages, potatoes and sauerkraut with a damn good sauce.

In for:
King's Quest 1+2+3
King's Quest 4+5+6

Wurzelkraft: My family and I had flavored sausages, potatoes and sauerkraut with a damn good sauce.
I love Sauerkraut!!
*turns green out of envy*
I'm in for Evil Genius

Christmas Dinner - do the same with Thanksgiving though waldorf maybe switched for ambrosia and celery for deviled eggs

Green Beans slow cooked with bacon
Sweet Potatoes with Marshmallows
Mashed Potatoes
Wheat Rolls
Waldorf Salad
Celery with cream and blue cheese and paprika
Pumpkin Pie
Pecan Pie
Probably missed this, but if not I would like to be in for Broken Sword 1+2.

Christmas dinner was beef and pork, sprouts+general veg and mashed+roast potatoes. For dessert it was trifle/jelly etc and cream - had a starter of home made soup and bread as well. Nothing special, but plenty of it.
Post edited December 29, 2013 by mabrookes
I'm in for Age of Wonders and Age of Wonders 2.

Ren dang is my favorite dinner, Christmas or otherwise. Chewy oatmeal butterscotch cookies are the best dessert.

Thank you!
high rated
Well, both of you late comer's were included due to my Wasteland 2 game. However, you weren't the lucky winners. The two winners were retsuseiba and boct1584.

retsuseiba will be getting Broken Sword 4 and Splinter Cell
boct1584 will be getting Long Live The Queen and Bioforge

I will give you a few more hours if you have any last minute changes.

A lot of interesting Christmas meals. I liked seeing the traditional Christmas dishes from around the world. I forgot to mention my meal, which is traditional for my family:
Lasagna and Garlic Bread

No real dessert this year just Christmas Sugar cookies, Peppermint Bark, and No-Bake cookies, but I overindulged in the Christmas Lasagna. And of course missed our traditional Cranberry Bread.
mabrookes: Probably missed this, but if not I would like to be in for
In my case, I would love to be considered for Kyrandia 1 + 2 + 3

My Christmas dinner was roast ham on snowflake rolls with some nice cheeses on the side. Had to be simple as I was in the hospital not long before that. We heated a pre-done pecan pie for dessert. It was nice enough but I think the pecan pies we made from scratch for Thanksgiving were a little better.

We rescheduled the turkey meal for New Year's Day, so the Christmas turkey is thawing now in the fridge. I will definitely do something with cranberries on the side, maybe a compote.

Thanks for having this giveaway!
jjsimp: Well, both of you late comer's were included due to my Wasteland 2 game. However, you weren't the lucky winners. The two winners were retsuseiba and boct1584.

retsuseiba will be getting Broken Sword 4 and Splinter Cell
boct1584 will be getting Long Live The Queen and Bioforge
Congratulations to the winners!
Happy New Year Everyone

(and thanks to jjsimp again for having the giveaway. This was very nice of you. Sorry I was late for it :)
Post edited December 29, 2013 by SalarShushan
SalarShushan: Sorry I was late for it :)
You may have missed this one, but I have started another giveaway for New Years.
Congrats to retsuseiba and boct1584!

Thanks again, jjsimp! :)
Congrats to the winners, and thanks to jjsimp for the giveaway. :)
Congrats to both the winners and thank you jjsimp for this giveaway!