Elmofongo: Even re-registering things that have been deleted?
Wait.. what?
No obviously you can't register DLLs that aren't there, but they shouldn't be gone since they're system files.
And even experienced users should be careful when removing files from within the Windows folders (or any of the Linux system folders but that's neither here nor there).
Registering (certain) DLLs basically lets Windows know how to handle certain things.
For example a DLL might let Windows know how to generate a bunch of thumbnails for a folder that contains images.
I think those WBEM DLLs contain instructions that allow scripts to use WMI to access Windows information such as the registry. Which is why re-registering (in case Windows has forgotten those files exist) could perhaps help with your issue.
It's not a guarantee, but I would personally try it before re-installing Windows because that takes a lot of time and people tend to forget at least one thing during back-up and thus lose stuff.