Posted June 02, 2009

1) At the "tech support query" page, there is no "Next" button or any other way to send the message once I have composed it. I would like to suggest putting a "Send" button there so as to make it easier for users to send their messages to tech support.
2) The ability to submit a DXDiag report to support would also be a very welcome feature on the support page.
I feel that with these 2 additions, GoG can provide better support for their customers, providing better usability and reliability at the same time. Without these, I feel hampered when I tried to submit a query to tech support."
Thank you for your feedback kind sir. I'm sure that our web devs will find your suggestions most interesting. We're still in beta but when [][/url] reaches it's 3.54535 C version these might get onto our drawing board.