HeDanny: I enjoyed pretty much all of the most recent Alone in the Dark on XBOX360. The timed driving section was pretty mcuh totally broken and I'm convinced the only way I got through it was I eventually got very very lucky and did not drive the car straight into a glitch. I enjoyed it so much I bought it again on PS3 when that console got the "fixed" version. I think it may have been the first PS3 game I played. I also bought the PC version as well. THat was more because I found the collectors edition absurdly cheap, and I wanted the figure. I am a total sucker for figures, especially when they are absurdly cheap. Edward now stands proudly in one of my display cabinets. Yet to play that iteration of the game. I would buy it again here absolutely, despite already owning that collector's edition. WOuld make it my fourth purchase of that game, and I'd be more than happy to do it.
Good sir, you have strange taste in video games! Hates Mirror's Edge, loves ( the new ) Alone in the Dark. Hah! But my experience with the game was actually very similar. Since everyone gave it such bad ratings, I was able to buy the collector's edition for maybe 30 bucks. I also didn't have very high expectations, so that, along with the extra content of the CE, probably enhanced my experience with the game.
The driving sequences, some of the dialogue/ voice acting, the ending and overall replay value all could have been better, but that's about my only critique. I loved all the unique ideas they had for it, such as the way the inventory worked, the weapon and item "crafting", the puzzles, the way they used physics and fire in the game. Or best of all, the way you could open locked doors in about half a dozen different ways, none of which involved searching for a key. ;)
I also loved the unique soundtrack, and ended up buying the whole thing on CD, since the CE only contained part of it. Overall, I think the game and its developers really deserved better than the bad press and low ratings they received. If I remember correctly, most of that was caused by some questionable moves by Atari.
HeDanny: I knew you were talking about Outlast. As was I. That was a .. wierd typo.. thingy. I like me some horror, but this particular game looks more like a fast paced horror. I like my horror to be more of a slow burn. Like Silent Hill, or clock tower. This game reminds me a bit of Clock Tower, only done for adrenaline junkies. That combination just does not seem like it would work for me. At all. Bought it anyway. Benefit of the doubt and all that.
You remind me that I should perhaps give Outcast a try some time. I only remember playing a demo of it, back when it was new ( and my PC at the time couldn't really handle it well ).
Anyhow, as for Outlast, it's a bit of a mix. It does have slow sections, where you're mostly creeping around, exploring, or trying to hide from all sorts of nasty things. There's fast-paced chase sequences, as well, but they tend to be fairly short. As I mentioned, for better or worse there's not much emphasis on Mirror's Edge style parkours gameplay. I'd say it's worth a look, to see if you like it at all, especially if you've already bought it. I haven't quite made up my own opinion of the game yet; I'll have to see how the gameplay develops during the second half and whether the ending/ rest of the story is any good. But so far I'd say Horror fans should give it a look, especially if it's available at a discount.