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Has anyone used this?

The support rep seems to intentionally wait five minutes before replying to every question you ask.

There was a six or seven minute between:

you: Still there?
Nikunj: I'm here.

I had to leave my computer real quick, only to come back and find:

Nikunj: Please try to browse game installers if you've kept it manually.
Nikunj: If not, try manually installing game.
Nikunj: Have you read these responses, ******?
Nikunj: Since I've not heard from you, I need to end the chat session. Please feel free to contact us again. We'll be glad to help you. Thank you for contacting EA. I appreciate your time. Have a great day.
Nikunj: If you need help with anything else, please feel free to contact us anytime!
The chat session has ended. Please contact us again if you need further help.

Notice his / her answers were not specific. I asked how to find the DLC origin downloads so that I could back it up.
I haven't used them myself, but yes I've heard many times of Origin Live Help being crap.

I will say though, at least they do have a live help option. If you get a winner that couldn't care less, try again and you might get someone that cares a bit more. It's frustrating, but it could get your problem fixed faster than waiting several days on a help ticket reply.
For anyone else using Origin Live Chat - FRAPs & YouTube are your friends.

I think it would be funny to get a whole comedy skit of conversations placed on a channel.
I'd just like to add that I can code a bot with more efficient AI than that.
They work for bowl of rice a day. What do you expect? :P
Fictionvision: I haven't used them myself, but yes I've heard many times of Origin Live Help being crap.

I will say though, at least they do have a live help option. If you get a winner that couldn't care less, try again and you might get someone that cares a bit more. It's frustrating, but it could get your problem fixed faster than waiting several days on a help ticket reply.
No, he / she was being intentionally evasive - as if instructed to do so by their supervisor.

Instead of just honestly saying "Sir, I am not permitted to reveal information on how to secure DLC without DRM" they instead hoped the five minutes intervals and vague answers would help discourage me.

I've done call centres's all about dodging the caller quickly.
Some call centres will intentionally stick people with strong accents and broken English on the phone to handle complaint issues - And I don't mean 'outsourcing', outsourcing is what led to the idea.
Their live help is outsourced to India.

They do everything by their textbook. If you give them ANY extraoridinary question, you will NOT receive an answer.

They will not help you with anything that isn't in their textbook because it would mean immediately loose of their job and in India it may mean death by starvation. (as long as movies about outsourced jobs in India are true).

What else you freaking expect?
I used them once for some mass effect dlc. Don't remember the details its been awhile but it was definitely a struggle. Although their answers was not as off topic there was long delays and one question i just gave up in the end.
Post edited December 08, 2012 by livefree
Classic scripted responses.
What do people expect when those jobs are outsourced and made as simple as possible so the agent doesn't have to think? (and companies being tooo cheap - had to throw that in ahaha)
Post edited December 08, 2012 by nijuu
I talked to them way back when Origin started, it was an American and she put me on hold several times while having to run around asking questions on how to fix my issues.

I preferred it to being given bull shit answers about making sure I was running as an administrator (in Win XP).

eventually she had to admit that they were not sure what the issue was and that I needed to submit a support ticket to the game's Developer, I thanked her for her effort because she really did try.

you asked them a dick head question that you knew the answer to: you don't / can't archive DLC from Origin. unlocking DLC through origin is a matter of it being installed directly like a patch or simply being unlocked inside the game after being included in the installer.

the help desk people (at any company) are not the people that developed the game, good luck even finding one that can actually program; they get paid low grade wages to read the instructions provided by the developers so that the developers won't get swamped by dumb asses who won't read the instructions themselves; If the instructions don't work / don't cover it, THEN you get told to submit a support ticket (usually they do it for you) that will get looked at by the Developer so they can figure out if it's a real problem or a bad instruction.
Post edited December 08, 2012 by Sogi-Ya
I will be the first to admit their online support needs work, but heck, support for most sites need work; it mostly depends on who you get.

When I started using Origin I claimed my Mass Effect games there, the second one went fine, but you needed to contact support staff for the first one. The first guy I got gave me the most run-about answers I could imagine, and I got confused just trying to understand him. So I waited a few hours and tried again. The next guy actually knew what he was doing, and really seemed like he wanted to help. He explained everything the other guy couldn't/wouldn't and was actually a lot more of an enjoyable experience.

For your amusement I actually have both convos copied. Here is the attempt from the first guy: here is the second one:
Wow, I've used them a few times and never had a problem. One or two times it did take a moment to get on the same page but once we did the problem got fixed.

One time I was just chatting with the guy normally while we waited for assistance from another support person and the guy was really nice (talked about games coming out and what I would like to see on Origin and other random things) and he even gave me a 25% coupon code.
About two months ago I registered my copy of Crysis on Origin, since the disc was scratched. For some reason, even though the disc version worked, the Origin version just would not work. Each .exe gave me a different issue, one just crashed, one told me to insert a disc... I contacted support. Seven hours later I'd restarted my computer several times, uninstalled an re-installed Crysis, uninstalled and re-downloaded the installer and re-installed, ran in compatability modes, as an administrator... they finally told me that they would send the problem to their higher-ups and they would contact me when they had an answer.

I haven't heard back from them.
carnival73: Notice his / her answers were not specific. I asked how to find the DLC origin downloads so that I could back it up.
I think the answer was specific enough and correct too, "browse game installers if you kept them", that's likely where the dlc running off from standalone installers will be along with every other installer, no ?. Otherwise you'll obviously have to pinpoint the content in question and dig it out of the game folder yourself. Installers by default are kept on C:/Program Files/Origin Games, so...
carnival73: Notice his / her answers were not specific. I asked how to find the DLC origin downloads so that I could back it up.
Namur: I think the answer was specific enough and correct too, "browse game installers if you kept them", that's likely where the dlc running off from standalone installers will be along with every other installer, no ?. Otherwise you'll obviously have to pinpoint the content in question and dig it out of the game folder yourself. Installers by default are kept on C:/Program Files/Origin Games, so...
I checked there for the DLC installers. Also he she mentioned something that sounded like she was refferig to a disk....what disk?

Either way they were unable to point the way even though they probaly knew it.

Also I had to kept confirming over and over "Is that the base game in Local Files?' before they admitted that it was.
Post edited December 08, 2012 by carnival73