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high rated
Ah, Christmas. Isn't it great? Eggnog, mulled wine, christmas trees, candles, presents (YAY!), holiday sales. Also it's a time for contemplation, compassion, generosity and general niceness, so what better way to celebrate Yuletide than punching hordes of hellish ceatures in the face?

Or, you know, stab, hack and slash them in the face? Or shoot magic in their face. Any form of face related violence is fine, really.

Where was I? Oh yeah, this is a giveaway for Darksiders (Steam).

1. To enter, post I punched the minions of hell in the face and all I got was this lousy achievement.
2. Christmas related silliness in the post is appreciated but won't net you any bonus points.
– "So, what about compassion, generosity and general niceness?"
Shut up! You're out!
– "But–"
No, I won't have none of that, Mr. wise-guy! Out! Shoo!
3. The giveaway will end when it's done (read: when I grow bored). So to keep it going longer, make sure to entertain me. Yes, dance for me, my monkeys! Mwahahaha!
Not in, but +1 for your generosity (bah humbug!) and a bump for your thread to keep it visible.
I punched the minions of hell in the face and all I got was this lousy achievement

Question: What do call Santa when he stops moving?
Answer: Santa Pause!

Santa Claus: What's that terrible racket outside?
Mrs. Claus: It's rain deer.

I'm in, Merry Christmas! :)
Post edited December 15, 2013 by IndicaHybrid
I'm entering your giveaway. +1 and thanks.
I punched the minions of hell in the face and all I got was this lousy achievement.
Sorry I don't have any Christmas silliness.
I punched the achievement in hell, where lousy minions got my face.

Keep it, but +1.
I punched the minions of hell in the face and all I got was this lousy achievement.

Here's an especially embarrassingly non-funny Christmas joke I got for you:

Q: What do you call someone who's scared of Father Christmas?
A: Claustrophobic.

Thanks for the giveaway!
I punched the minions of hell in the face and all I got was this lousy achievement.

It felt so good though and they made such satisfying thumps when they hit the floor.
I punched the minions of hell in the face and all I got was this lousy achievement.
I punched the minions of hell in the face and all I got was this lousy achievement.

p.s. Sometimes I feel ashamed for entering every giveaway here, but I'm just a poor student from a poorest country in Europe :-(
*lolcat push*
Not in, but thanks for the GA and +1
+1, not in. Just wanted to say that Darksiders is amazing (enjoyed it much more than I am the 2nd). Oh, and that I punched a monkey. >:O
With the GOG servers in such a festive mood, it's going to be hard growing bored ;) Not in but thanks!
Post edited December 15, 2013 by Spinorial
I punched the minions of hell in the face and all I got was this lousy achievement
I punched the minions of hell in the face and all I got was this lousy achievement

I also suffered through hidden achievements.