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So I wanted to know you guy's opinion about this. The thing is my life lately (and by lately I mean 10-12 years) has been a complete shit and every year is worst than the last one, so I met this girl a few years ago online and she is and has been like my ground, she lives very far from my home (same country) and I know there are 0 chances to be with her, not now not ever and as time goes by things are just different between us, but still I really feel the same about her, I don't know if she has a boyfriend and I don't wanna know either...for her birthday I bought her a music cd (pearl jam limited edition, she loves that band) and I felt it was very awkward thing to do but did it anyway and she really like it, now her birthday passed and didn't gift her anything...but I wanted to make her a gift again..
Will it be weird to do that?I wanna do it just to show her some appreciation for how much help she has been in my life lately but I don't want to tell her anything about it...and I know that she knows that I do feel things about her, I mean..I think I love her but that's beside the point here that it's not why I want to doing this, I don't want her to feel compromised with the things I'm doing or feel in an awkward situation, I dont want anything back, maybe she is thinking "this guy that I never saw in my life is making me! what a fucking weirdo...does he want something from me?"

btw the gift I was planning to do is a paint of pearl jam, the cover of a cd in a paint... (yeah I'm very bad for choosing or making gifts :P)

ps: sorry my writing...I know my english is a complete shit T_T
Just send the damn gift and stop overthinking it. And if you're in love, go for it. It's better than spending the rest of your life wondering what if.
Just out of curiosity. How long have you been in contact and have you ever spent time with her in person?

I'm not one to criticize, I just thought I'd ask. (I met the mrs through Myspace and that was 8yrs ago. )
I would anticipate the OP's instincts on no possible relationship to be true.... after all, he has been able to see past the delusions created by love, and that has to be significant!

I would still go ahead with giving gifts, so long as they are not too expensive, otherwise it would be a bit creepy.

I would recommend to stay in touch, remain friends and perhaps one day she may come to a point of looking for a change in her life - when it comes to women, that is the perfect time to strike! But also don't wait for her either, keep your options and eyes open.
I really don't know, 2 years maybe or more, never meet her in person.

Why would I tell her how I feel if there is nothing I can do about it? What's is the point of knowing something like that for any of us.
I already told her in the past that I felt something about her(not that I love her or anything like that just that I kinda was interested in her) and she said that it was the same for her but a lot of time have passed now and things are different..
GastonArg: I really don't know, 2 years maybe or more, never meet her in person.

Why would I tell her how I feel if there is nothing I can do about it? What's is the point of knowing something like that for any of us.
I already told her in the past that I felt something about her(not that I love her or anything like that just that I kinda was interested in her) and she said that it was the same for her but a lot of time have passed now and things are different..
You should meet up with her. Go for it. It might not work out but you just never know.
trust me if you know you love her she knows it too but aslong as none of you talks about it there wont be any awkward moments like this pressing silence that makes you way to uncomfortable to not talk but you also cant talk with her cozit would be just the same feeling, at that point its either do or get done

if you feel like making her gifts why not, if she ever asks you why you do it just tell her you like her no strings attached there but in the end its your choice
I've been in somewhat similar situations like this. My advice would be well if you really want to gift her something go ahead, I wouldn't put alot of money into it tho. Also if you get the chance, tell her how you feel otherwise you would be wondering about the what if I said how I feel.

Lastly be prepared especially if you already know of possible rejection. Sure it will hurt like hell for awhile or long while depending. However, if there was even a small chance however little it might be its really best to know for sure and just move on to the next girl.

If she dumps you friend wise or whatnot for being upfront and honest about how you feel. She obviously wasn't worth it and be glad you didn't waste too much time on her.

My 2 cents.
Too much thinking. Only acting will get you (and likely both of you) out of this limbo situation. Express how you feel. Be straightforward and open with a clear intent to move out of this stalling into something better, actually fulfilling. Together, schedule a meetup. Even if you are living far apart, it's time to torch the excuses; if there is something real between the two of you: Make It Work!
Is not that expensive, maybe a little because of the shipping, but it's just a hand painting of the band logo, I dont even know if it is a good gift..

I really can't we are very far away(1200km/ 745.65 miles), and meeting her is just not an option, it's really not.

@Aveweto, MaximumBunny, Briareos262, chevkoch
thanks for the advices!
Yeah I tend to over think everything a lot, that's just how I am.
Post edited May 07, 2014 by GastonArg
GastonArg: btw the gift I was planning to do is a paint of pearl jam, the cover of a cd in a paint... (yeah I'm very bad for choosing or making gifts :P)
Cocos Islands... that is not such a large country really. Just wondering if you are that much "no can do", or just feeling out for reaction.

Either way, excess of gifts will never impress the good sort of people, lads or lasses, and too many are awkward, but a few thoughtful ones that are clearly intended to procure joy for the person shall be invaluable.

After this next gift, which I trust is insightful one, you should ask if she should like to play ping-pong with you.

Eventual travel - easy, to this day and age. Ping-pong really reveals characters, methinks - and is not so typical. Plus allows plausible action to make it less awkward.

You were asking for on opening date gambit suggestions, methinks? Just go for it. What is one sharp disappointment to 10-12 next years of humdrum...
I'm from Argentina :P wish I was from Keeling islands.
I'm really not doing this to impress her or anything just to give back something or a way to show appreciation, nothing more, sometimes I got home from the uni and I feel like shit but then I just talk to her and everything feels a little less depressing or bad.
Being with her is not something possible EVEN if she feels the same(which I dont think is the case) and it's ok to do everything to arrange a meeting.. I don't think I would be ok with that, long distance relationships are impossible, in the end it doesn't work out, I know this for sure. And it's not only the distance which let alone is a huge issue, there are more problems (from my side) so again, why would I tell her how I feel if in the end it wont accomplish anything :/
stay cool and keep in touch with the girl, give gifts if you feel like you want to there is nothing weird about it. One of my friend goes through the same situation you are going through almost every 2 years ever since online chating became famous. He is more of a online love magnet, cant remember the amount of time he broke his heart online.
GastonArg: I'm from Argentina :P wish I was from Keeling islands.
I'm really not doing this to impress her or anything just to give back something or a way to show appreciation, nothing more, sometimes I got home from the uni and I feel like shit but then I just talk to her and everything feels a little less depressing or bad.
Being with her is not something possible EVEN if she feels the same(which I dont think is the case) and it's ok to do everything to arrange a meeting.. I don't think I would be ok with that, long distance relationships are impossible, in the end it doesn't work out, I know this for sure. And it's not only the distance which let alone is a huge issue, there are more problems (from my side) so again, why would I tell her how I feel if in the end it wont accomplish anything :/
If I'm reading this right, sounds to me you accept the relationship for what it is and are not looking for anything more. Seems like you're good friends and the gift you're describing isn't extravagant and therefore can be considered appropriate. I might recommend including a note describing the purpose of the gift, as a "thank you for being there". You don't have to get deep about your feelings, but a simple thank you for being a friend should suffice.

I'm sorry to hear the past decade has been rough. My hope is you have friends and/or family that can offer you the emotional support to get you through this time in your life. And if the support is there, definitely use it. I wish you well!
djranis: stay cool and keep in touch with the girl, give gifts if you feel like you want to there is nothing weird about it. One of my friend goes through the same situation you are going through almost every 2 years ever since online chating became famous. He is more of a online love magnet, cant remember the amount of time he broke his heart online.
I had a couple of years with online dating and managed to find my wife!

But not before i had learn't the one and only rule about online dating that matters;

Be honest!

because there is no point in trying to attract women by trying to be someone you are not, it is very tempting to do this but all those women you scare off with your honesty, it is not a bad thing at all because they were not right for you and you have saved allot of time and heartache by scaring them off - that is what you call 'the system working'!! And this is precisely how i found my wife and we have been together for many years and have a young daughter together.

Oh and one other online dating rule incase you don't already know.... never give money! And not only do you not give money, but you can use not giving money as a test to see how genuine they are. Because no matter what the situation, if they are willing to accept you won't give them money, that is a good sign they are genuine. If they are not easily accepting you won't give them money, then give them the boot, quick smart!