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tbh, you are does sound creepy. any girl with normal live and cyber experience will say the same. and yeah i say she prob already know what your intention. if i were you i ll try to slow down and try to meet her real life at least once before deciding on anything. if distance it the barrier try find a middle ground if the girl have the same feeling she prob agreed to it
GastonArg: I don't want her to feel compromised with the things I'm doing or feel in an awkward situation, I dont want anything back, maybe she is thinking "this guy that I never saw in my life is making me! what a fucking weirdo...does he want something from me?"
Most probably she just enjoys the attention from (yet another?) online admirer, even if she doesn't necessarily want anything more serious with you. So don't fret about it, but on the other hand don't take it too seriously either (because quite possibly she isn't either).

But who knows.
1. What do you have to loose?
2. 1200km isn't that far as you think. It's about 2 hours by plane or about 12-15 hours of driving depending on roads. So you can take a vacation of 1-2 days, or even a week, and meet her if you really want to.
Post edited May 08, 2014 by blotunga
!! Possibly harsh reply, don't continue reading if you're feeling vulnerable. !!

Whatever you do, don't consider this girl as your way out of the past years of misery. The way you started your post, there seemed to be a juxtaposition between your life lately and you meeting that girl. I wouldn't say that's a good mindset. It's not a burder one person, let alone a person at such a long distance, can bear. Send the gift if you want to do her a favour with it but don't expect anything from someone that far away from you.

Main thing you need to do is not think about what she'll think about you sending her gifts, but about your own reasons for sending her the gift. Only when you feel truly comfortable with those reasons you'll be putting the stamp on that Pearl Jam painting. Even if she would think it's weird you'd be comfortable enough to explain her why you did it.

And I do of course hope things will get better for you soon, rather today than tomorrow.
foxworks: I might recommend including a note describing the purpose of the gift, as a "thank you for being there". You don't have to get deep about your feelings, but a simple thank you for being a friend should suffice.
This. I don't think that you should talk about your love (I agree with your reasoning, and for other reasons), but telling her that you appreciate her company would not be a bad thing, and tying that to the gift giving would make that feel better for her, I would imagine. I have no idea how much she knows about you and your life, but assuming that she knows enough she will probably understand where you're coming from, and you could thank her in more detail.

As for being worried about giving her gifts, you can always ask her if she doesn't mind that.
I'd still consider trying to meet her. Long distance relationships can and do work out. A friend of mine from Scotland once bumped into a nice Russian lady at the airport. A few years down the line, they're married and have a beautiful daughter.

Don't gush madly at her (I love you, I think you're the only person in the world for me, blah blah), but is there honestly anything wrong with 'I think you're really nice and it'd be cool to actually meet you in person'? What's the worst that could happen?
Thanks a lot to everyone for taking the time to post here,

I decided to not gift her anything, not because I don't want to do it or don't feel it but because I think it just not the right thing to do, many of you told or suggested me to arrange a meeting or a way to see her...again that's not an option here nor I want to do it, can't disclose my reasons in an open forum but they do exist, real ones(aside from the distance) not just "stupid things" like I'm afraid she may say no or something like that.
Is not an easy decision to do, but I think it's the best one, although I really wish things were different but sadly they are not, so in the end reality always wins.

Again thanks again to everyone!
GastonArg: Thanks a lot to everyone for taking the time to post here,

I decided to not gift her anything, not because I don't want to do it or don't feel it but because I think it just not the right thing to do, many of you told or suggested me to arrange a meeting or a way to see her...again that's not an option here nor I want to do it, can't disclose my reasons in an open forum but they do exist, real ones(aside from the distance) not just "stupid things" like I'm afraid she may say no or something like that.
Is not an easy decision to do, but I think it's the best one, although I really wish things were different but sadly they are not, so in the end reality always wins.

Again thanks again to everyone!
Honorable man, my salute.
Hi, I guess my main thought is if you already know that you'll never meet her, and have no intention of ever meeting her - then, yeah, I'd think ongoing gifts might be perceived as a bit much/odd.

Girls are a bit different about gifts sometimes - they give gifts to each other all the time, but unsolicited gifts from a guy will probably be interpreted differently. imho.

But on the other hand, if you do want to meet her, then tell her you'd like to meet her. She might say no - and that's OK - but at least you'll know where you stand and can move on with your life rather than being hung up on somebody that you're never going to meet.

imho, and good luck.