JudasIscariot: >implying I don't have ulterior motives when mentioning that game :)
IAmSinistar: Mais non! I know you didn't bring it up in the hopes of your lords noticing it, because then they would also have seen your intention to play hooky today, :)
One possible objection I might have to the game is the lack of a pause feature. I can understand why that is done here (to create a non-stop marathon feel for your run through), but nevertheless it is an arrogant (or just bad) design decision. There are times in real life when a game is not the most important thing at the moment, and one should be able to pause in order to attend to that (even if it's just checking who is phoning you or some such thing).
I am thinking it's an oversight that will get corrected but I like to make a positive out of the negative :)