AlKim: I finally piled all the empty bottles and cans into bags and took them to the shop to get the deposit refund. As a side effect, you can now see parts of furniture that aren't covered by other rubbish. Does that count?
Sachys: Did you spray air freshner (or cheap deodourant)?
It only counts if you do! :)
I never have to, because there's enough draft to keep the air fresh without any effort on my part.
I'm not kidding, by the way; I knew that the rent had to be low for a reason when I signed the deal, only I didn't know what the reason was specifically. Turns out that the insulation is a bit crap. My bed is about 20 cm away from the edge of my French balcony, in front of which I've placed a cabinet for crockery. The draft blew through the gap between the cabinet and the wall right into my face when I slept, and as a result I caught a cold that lasted for about two weeks and was cured overnight when I shoved a stack of four empty beer cases between the cabinet and the bed. Yes, it's about as sad as it sounds.