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tinyE: Sanitational Engineer
Vertically Challenged
Cerebrally Disinclined

One I do agree needs to be gotten rid of is Washington Redskins. That goes beyond PC.
Ah, you're talking about my team. They suck, but still my team. Seeing as Native Americans name their school sports teams Redskins, can it really be called a racist name. It would be one thing if the team had a mascot like the Cleveland Indians, but at least they PCed it from the original.
I'm not against changing the name. I'm just wondering if it's a small part of the Native American community that has a problem with the name, and there are actually news bits that point this out. If it is, at what point does it become something that must be changed...after five people are offended.
Stevedog13: You had to say Mexican, if you used the word Hispanic people would yell at you "My family didn't come here from Hispainia, they came from Mexico!"
I used to live down in San Antonio, and from talks with my Mexican-American friends, they didn't like the term Hispanic, but they didn't get bent out of shape about it. They told me Latin-American, Latino or Latina was the proper term, but yes they preferred Mexican. But worse than calling a Mexican person Hispanic, was calling them Cuban.
I'm a mutt, but predominately German ancestry, and I wouldn't mind if someone called me a White Guy, Cracker, Caucasian, or even a German-American (Although I would find that one strange, as I am fourth generation American and have never stepped foot in Europe). I can understand the terms black people have objections to. I actually don't understand why they still use the words as forms of affection, but it's none of my business. And frankly I don't care.
DrakoPensulo: Interesting topic.
And what about "Seasonal Greetings" instead of usual "Marry Christmas"?
Whom, Christmas Jones?
Ethnic minorities are usually called by the nationality of the place they originate from. Moroccan, Turk, Indonesian, Surinam, Chinese among the most common that are obvious. More polite is to say 'from (for instance) Moroccan descent. This is not only more politically correct, but usually more factually correct, as most minorities by now are second or third generation.

The Dutch being the ones who shipped African people as slave to the Americas instead of taking them to Europe, we hardly have any non-European immigrants pre-dating the 1950's (it was only post-colonialist migrations that led to an influx of non-Europeans). So most actually still have close ties to the country of origin. But as for the blacks in America, I tend to call you black Americans, in the hope of not being offensive. It seems strange to call you African-American when your African ancestry mostly dates some 2 to 4 centuries ago. Black doesn't always sound offensive in Dutch, though it might depending on context.

Like mentioned by others, it's more the context that determins if a word is derogatory, than the actual word used itself.