Stevedog13: You had to say Mexican, if you used the word Hispanic people would yell at you "My family didn't come here from Hispainia, they came from Mexico!"
I used to live down in San Antonio, and from talks with my Mexican-American friends, they didn't like the term Hispanic, but they didn't get bent out of shape about it. They told me Latin-American, Latino or Latina was the proper term, but yes they preferred Mexican. But worse than calling a Mexican person Hispanic, was calling them Cuban.
I'm a mutt, but predominately German ancestry, and I wouldn't mind if someone called me a White Guy, Cracker, Caucasian, or even a German-American (Although I would find that one strange, as I am fourth generation American and have never stepped foot in Europe). I can understand the terms black people have objections to. I actually don't understand why they still use the words as forms of affection, but it's none of my business. And frankly I don't care.