rojimboo: I did state all other things being equal
TDP: "All other things being equal" makes no logical sense in this context. If the piracy rate is reduced with "all else being equal", it means "all else other than the things which affect the piracy rate", otherwise how could the piracy rate change? Thus the statement "all other things being equal", by definition, excludes the "a" & "b" as stated earlier (those being the number of pirated copies and the units sold).
rojimboo: I see that something has made you very defensive and hostile.
TDP: Maybe start by telling us what pro-DRM company you work for, and are being paid to post on forums.
What other motive would someone have to create a thread posting pro-DRM articles on the forum of an intentionally no-DRM store, and with the time and energy to try to convince its users to become more favourable to DRM... paid much?
All other things, like the total number of copies a+b, but that's beside the point. I agree with you about there not being a 1:1 piracy to lost sales ratio, so please calm down. It is entirely different though to say that there is not a substantial market for sales in pirates, as seen by the HADOPI paper for instance, which you've yet to adress, and the dozen papers or so that conclude piracy does displace sales (see the Danaher et al 2013 book chapter)
Hadopi study for all: I mean as an extreme example, you would think there would be some lost sales in the absence of piracy, no? The question is of course how many, which is currently unknown, but we have some similar studies on music piracy.
Also, I suppose it was just a matter of time before people would ignore the arguments in the discussion and wonder about the motives. All I can say is that no, I am not an employee (hardly as most of my examples are anti-DRM) of...whatever central bureau of DRM you'd like me to be. Just a gamer, who one day realised he not only questioned why DRM existed and its effects, but also had access to academic publication and spent a couple hours writing a lazily referenced literary review on a Steam gaming forum. Ohh. I said Steam. I see pitchforks already. Does it help if I say own some awesome M and M games on GoG. Please don't burn me.
In any case, let's try to keep this civil, please, I've yet to insult you. If you do not want to read the linked critically peer-reviewed, published-in-reputable-journals-non-industry-funded papers then that's fine, I certainly don't care that you remain anti-DRM, on the GOG platform. I am more interested in finding the truth, if there is such a thing in this complex matter and would think people on GOG would have the most thought-out anti-DRM arguments, instead of shouting 'Yarr matey!' at the most opportune time, something RPS forum members like to do especially xd. And many Steam members too surprisingly.
So please, let's all enjoy some discussion, and I might even change my viewpoints and get some more material to my lit review (which I should really start to reference better at some point when I'm not playing games and responding to shill accusations). Chill the shill stuff, yo. Dude. Yeah. Yo.