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With MrBTongue missing in action, MovieBob very busy with his work at the The Escapist, Smudboy suffering a severe case of "Someone's wrong on the Internet" and..., well, Campster doing pretty well, I'm in serious need of quality game criticism in video format. I find some interesting channels from time to time (the poorly structured Allosaurus Rex, the only-reviews Matthewmatosis, the more journalistic Super Bunnyhop), but the regularity is too low generally and I never get satiated.

So, any recommendations, any interesting channels in youtube (or, who knows, other video-sharing sites) you knwo of? I'm looking specifically for youtubers who, 1. seem to really know what they are talking about, 2. speak often about transversal topics, instead of making critical reviews of one game at a time and 3. produce long videos, at least over 15 minutes on average, the longer the better.

Also, extra points for professional microphones and actual video footage instead of still images.
Post edited December 20, 2013 by MichaelPalin
Well you said "quality game criticism" and it's not really criticism, but you might check out an episode or two or Game Theory by MatthewPatrick13. The videos are anywhere from 8 to 15 minutes long, usually around 11 or 12 minutes, it uses some video, but mostly still images used as jokes. But there is some learning in there, it's not all jokes.
I knew them already, but thanks!
You should have a look at TotalHalibut (AKA TotalBiscuit AKA The Cynical Brit).

His WTF is ... series covers your description perfectly.
I very much enjoyed AntisocialFatMan while he was around. While he tended to review individual games, his reasons for why he did or didn't like a game were very in-depth and thoughtful and generally applicable to gaming as a whole. Unfortunately, he died more than a year ago, so there are no new videos coming out.
I've been a fan of Pixelmusement's Ancient Dos Game series for a few years. Although it is less criticism and more a fair review of the games. He also does a good job of explaining how to get them to run at their best capability in dos box too.
Post edited December 21, 2013 by FoxySage