Posted December 19, 2012
Nirth: This. I don't want a boss that has 10x more HP and takes forever to trial & error in a ridiculous dance because I've too low HP or something else.
A boss with good AI and a puzzle around him, preferably, thrown together in sequences is better.
As for bosses in general, I prefer a more linear but flexible difficulty curve rather than easy mobs and than a boss with a cool name and huge model and 10x HP.
Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine guardians were fun to fight. A boss with good AI and a puzzle around him, preferably, thrown together in sequences is better.
As for bosses in general, I prefer a more linear but flexible difficulty curve rather than easy mobs and than a boss with a cool name and huge model and 10x HP.
TellTale's "boss fights" at the end of their episodes are pretty fun (most notably Tales of Monkey Island final confrontation and some of Sam and Max "bosses").
Planescape: Torment was very creative about the final guy.
Good bosses and bossfights should must with us.