budejovice: I hear you, but I get to gripe too. I'm not just made up of giveaways and a bottomless wallet for some dudes in Poland...
BKGaming: Hey I'm not saying not to gripe once or twice.... when it originally happen. But since it's fixed now... well you know the rest. :P
I'm sure most of us have had worse issues. I still have games today unplayable due to bugs. A one or two day wait is better than most, atleast GOG responds to you and fixes it. xD
All I'm saying man.
I understand. Unfortunately my side of this has been going on in 2 different threads. I posted in the other one that I'm not trying to harp on what happened to me, I'm trying to point out the possibility of it being extremely problematic in the future. GOG has responded. And I'm leaving it alone from here...