Aliasalpha: Ahh, oh well thats killed my interest. Never been a fan of multiplayer FPS
You should play Galactic Conquest for Battlefield 1942. That mod contained some of my best memories of multiplayer gaming ever. Some things I vividly remember:
1) We were playing on Bespin, it's a pretty big map. Players need to take the air bus to the Bespin capture points. I was in charge of ferrying players to and fro with the air bus. My role was vital, even if not a frontline soldier. I was taking a beating left and right, up and down, but thanks to my awesome piloting skills, I got my team out of there. Very exhilerating experience.
2) We were playing on Death Star. Some of the most awesome dogfighting scenes we had. 20 players, you could hear the whizzing and firing of lasers all around. Think Call of Duty singleplayer kind of atmosphere.
3) Playing on Hoth, I took the A-wing and drove it around, scouting for AT-STs who were busy pounding our trench soldiers. I took out a few before going down, but that was really awesome fun, since most of the "air combat" took place very near to the ground, so you could see people firing at one another and taking in the sights and sounds of a very surreal battlefield.
Galactic Conquest by far still is my favourite mod, of all the mods ever released. I don't think I've seen a Star Wars game that matches the intensity of it yet. Everything in it just clicked.