I had a pretty nice post going before I lost it... but then I read further into you batshit insane response and figured recreating it is not worth it.
orcishgamer: They were avoiding a heated issue with humor, it's both disingenuous and a way to promote falsehood.
This is the innocent start that appears to make sense but doesn't. A single "What were they SUPPOSED to say ?" dispells it nicely, unless you are willing to argue that casters are meant to further rile up a crowd instead of entertaining it.
orcishgamer: Oh and it's a way to kiss ass
How the fuck is that necessary ? Seriously - we're not dealing with Caligula here, you're not going to get executed for slipping up is some trivial way. There's no explanation given for this interpretation of events... and frankly - there can be none. You're just misreading people.
orcishgamer: My understanding is based on the reading of the first two articles linked in this thread, so fuck off.
LOL. I had a list of my humble credentials but I guess you're more qualified to make judgements...
orcishgamer: I never claimed one of "those" two pulled the plug.
You'd have to be even more insane than you sound. Khaldor and Wolf were nowhere near any plugs, so that's obviously not what I meant. I was saying that MKP wouldn't be able to pull the plug. Hell - Tastosis even made fun of this hypothetical situation months ago, saying "Imagine a player counting down, the camera zooms in on him and he's holding the internet cable". The PLAYERS had cameras on them.
orcishgamer: If you're not clever enough to conceive of ways shit like this gets rigged in real life, in real sporting events, when real money is on the line, then you're less clever than I gave you credit for;
There's a difference between being clever and being a paranoid schizophrenic. I may be both but I still retain enough sanity to know that neither a motive nor a way are anywhere near likely to exist.
That's like the elaborate theories proving Americans never landed on the moon... that postulate so complicated and improbable efforts that actually *landing* on the Moon is cheaper, simpler and more reliable.
You're also creeping into GameRager territory of small ontological claims. Namely - unlike trying to prove convincingly that something took place, you concentrate all your efforts on convincing people that there is a theoretical possibility.
Yeah, there always is. So what ?
orcishgamer: Think about it for 2 seconds, were there parties deeply invested in seeing MarineKing be the winner? If the answer is even "maybe" then it's damned possible something nefarious took place.
I don't even... You know this tells us A LOT more about you than about the world, right ? Just look at what you've typed. LOOK at it. Look at that shit. If something nasty is even remotely likely to be done, then it is likely that it will be done ? Seriously ? This is your world-view ?
I think I would've been more credible than that by claiming that we're dealing with Koreans here and they still believe in this thing called "honor". But that's not really necessary...
orcishgamer: The timing is rather ludicrously suspicious
Which is all the more proof that what you're saying is nonsense. If there was a man behind the curtain, he would've known better than to do anything glaringly obvious.
That's one thing.
Secondly - the judges might've as well given a win to Parting if the situation looked sufficiently grim. Unless, of course, you are going to argue that the judges were also "in on it".
Thirdly - you can't just nudge these things into place by a single disconnect, much less have it planned. A team needs to get to the finals on its own merits (unless, of course, we assume some cheating has been going on since the very start). A regame is just that - a chance for the better player to win (unless you think they'd keep accidently disconnecting the game over and over until the player "they" want to win would win).
Fourth reason - why the hell, of all places, would people cheat in a foreign country ? Is John the Translator the mastermind behind Prime's victory ;) ? Are we to assume that it's the foreigners that were "pulling the strings" ? To what end, FFS ?
Fifth thing - let me transcribe this:
"(15:46 - 16:08) Wolf: What you're saying is exactly right - MarineKing has 2500 minerals but Parting... does not have enough money to continue production ! Look at the production tab ! When the production tab comes up, look at what you see. We see EVERYTHING, it's SO wide for MarineKing. Look at that ! He just has SO MUCH production constantly, he has SO MUCH MONEY; Parting DOES NOT have the money, so MarineKing is just trading again and again and eventually Parting will starve out here. MarineKing is just... unstoppable right now."
At 17:28 the disconnect occurs. Parting has quite a momentum going but Terrans can deal surprisingly well with scrappy situations, especially when it comes to defending, especially if you're a micro god like MKP. Parting needed some momentum to NOT DIE. After he got it, he might've as well expanded behind it and the game would've evened out. He wasn't necessarily charging up all the ramps to siege up the production facilities in the main (not only place where they were, BTW) and even if he were to do so - there was still some hope left for MKP. But that's getting too technical, though I'm fairly certain the judges wouldn't have called a regame if they deemed the situation TRULY hopeless... and they're former progamers, IIRC, so they can make such calls.
orcishgamer: I can only hope they hit the skids like all the other companies who've shit on their communities has, but clearly it's not going to happen quite yet.
You know what I hope for ? The implementation of nice features.
You know - not people being punished for their failure to give the gaming community everything it expects (can you say "entitlement" ? No ? How about "whiny little bitches" ?) ... but merely - that things get better, e-sports continue to grow and that dashing devil, MKP, finally wins a GSL. Amen.