michaelleung: Yeah, a friend has it on the PS3 and he is (or at least he was, until he moved on to Uncharted 2) raving about the game, and since he probably doesn't play it anymore I figured I might borrow it. I hear great things about the seamless multiplayer, some sort of one-button thing and you're magically online?
TheCheese33: Online is very smooth, very easy to get into games with others. You can also switch between modes with others without ever leaving the world.
EDIT: Aaand Steam just kicked me off not fifteen seconds on the client. Christmas overload, maybe?
That is very cool. It's a sad day when the developers decide to give PC gamers a half-baked game without the same things found on the console versions, with less of this and less of that.
Steam's not down for me... yet.