HijacK: It's not necessarily sexist, but it is somewhat unfair. :P
Take it this way. There are more males on the forums than females by a high margin. While I don't have any hard numbers or evidence, I think it is somewhat quite obvious. Anyone willing to disagree with this surely doesn't understand how GOG appeals more to old gamers due to the classics they provide, which pretty much means most of them are males since in the 90s and early 2000s for some stupid reason society didn't accept females as gamers. I don't know. Humans are stupid.
But back on topic now. So, there are more males on GOG than females. What does that mean? It means that in a female only giveaway the participants will have a higher chance percentage of winning than in an all male one, which basically favors the minority in this sense. (sounds like American politics to me xD)
In any case, I am not opposed to this giveaway, though I can see why some would see this as sexist. This being said, let's all calm down and enjoy this Sunday. I have college applications to fill, so drama on the forums is not what I'm looking for. :P
Ah, this must be the "simple math and logic" you were referring to. Well, I will grant you, it is simple, if by "simple" you are implying some deficiency in its mental faculties.
Setting aside that you just pulled your statistics of the breakdown of the gender of members of this forum... Actually, no, let's start there. Without any hard data to work with, how are we to know that it isn't the other way around? I see your argument about the audience older games might have attracted (*might* being the key word), but it is worth pointing out that GOG also sells more recent games that might appeal to a wider market that might include females. At the end of the day, we simply don't know the gender breakdown of the GOG forum users. The responses from posters might help give a rough idea, but since the sample will be composed of an entirely self-selected sample who happen to stumble onto the thread, the sample's usefulness to that end is questionable; I mean, how many people might not enter the GAs, read their threads, read the community section of the forums, or just flat out avoid the forums entirely?
Secondly, if there was a single giveaway that encompassed all of the forum members, *everyone* would have a lower chance of winning. With two separate ones, one for each gender, the odds of winning go up for members on each side now that a sizable portion of the competition has been cut. Is there something I'm missing here?
But yes, I'm with Crewdroog, let's get back to the lesbians and popcorn angels.
Mrstarker: Oh, and I LOVE Miyazaki!!!!!!
Been meaning to get into Death Note for a while; need to see if it is on Netflix. Also, what do you think is a good starting point for getting into Miyazaki?