Klumpen0815: I loathe the Hobbit movies after having seen only the first one. It's Peter Jackson raping literature all over again.
sunshinecorp: There you go comparing it to the book again. :D
They're just different visions.
I loved the dwarves, by the way, and the much hated (by others) song. But since you don't, here's a parody of it, to the tune of Michael Jackson:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAxy3HdiCOY Actually, I didn't and although the song is nothing like described in the book (with harps etc..) I didn't mind it, I did mind all the symphonic background noise all the rest of the time.
The Gormenghast movie (4 hours long) isn't much like the book, but it's damn great and so is the 2006 version of Jane Eyre (both BBC).
I have to correct myself.
Dorian Gray from 2009 was the worst one, although I would have rather thrown myself out of the window than watching more than 15min of it.
The book from Oscar Wilde is one of my all time favourites, such a great protrait and criticism of hedonism with tension and everything, the movie is just a shallow piece of total garbage, even when not compared to the book